Page 42 of Sparrow

“Fuck, I gotta go. See you soon.” I hang up and throw the phone on my bed.

I wash my face, grab a clean tee, and pull on socks. When I sit on the bed to put on my shoes, something on my pillows catches my eye. I shift, and it falls under the blankets.

I stand, grab my cell phone, and pull the blankets back.

A scream rips out of me as I stumble out of my room. Someone grabs me from behind, and I struggle against them until Spark’s voice calms me.

“Jesus, Hannah,” I stop and turn my face into his chest.

“Sorry, sorry,” I say as I calm down.

“You left your fucking front door unlocked and wonder why people are in your house fucking with shit.” He shakes his head at me, and I stomp his foot.

“FUCK!” I push past him.

“That’s for being a dick.” I go to my fridge, take out a beer, and chug it.

He limps, following me into the kitchen.

“Why the fuck were you screaming?” I open another beer and repeat the process from before.

“Check my bed.” He frowns and disappears before I hear him curse.

I nod to myself.

“That’s some fucked up shit. It’s used.” He shakes like he has something gross on his body.

“A used sex doll in my bed with a photo of me on the hard? Yeah, sick isn’t the terminology I’d use. Psychotic is more like it.” I slam the empty bottle down and go for another.

“Stop, or you won’t be able to drive.” I sigh and nod.

“Pack your shit. You’re not staying here anymore.” I know it’s for my safety, but it prickles all the same.

“You telling me what to do, Issac?” I tilt my head at him, looking for a fight.

“Hannah, you are not invincible. You’re coming to the clubhouse.” I nod.

“Yes, VP.” I smile at him sweetly.

“Fuck, you’re going to be a pain in my ass, aren’t you?” I wink and go pack a bag.

I may be argumentative and stubborn, but I’m not generally stupid. Independence aside, I know when I’m over my head. A thought comes to me as I walk out to Spark.

I toss my bag at him, and he groans when it hits his stomach.

“My uncle still here?” He nods.

“I think I’m overdue for a visit to New Orleans.” I smile when I think of all the trouble I can get into with the triples.

“Oh, Seer would just love that.” I chuckle.

“He’ll never see me coming.”



Three weeks later