Page 4 of Sparrow




I missthe toast meant for Josh because I’m too busy watching the table across the way. Aspen looks upset as she tosses her napkin on the table before pushing her chair back and heading towards the restrooms.

“Excuse me,” I place the shot glass still full of whiskey on the bar and follow after the woman who has quickly become an obsession for me.

The hallway is dark, with only two doors marked with the appropriate genders. I lean against the wall between them and wait for her to come out. It’s loud in the hall from the noises coming from the bar but not loud enough to cover her shouting at someone in the bathroom.

I kick open the door, ready to protect her from whoever must be attacking her to find her on the phone screaming at whoever she’s speaking to.

She spins and stares at me as she continues yelling.

“Look, asshole, I am not a child. I don’t need fucking permission from you, Bear or God to date. The only people involved in that decision are standing in this room.” I cross my arms and watch as my timid, shy woman turns into a hellcat.

“Franklin, I am done with this discussion.” She starts pacing, and I snag her waist, drawing her back to my front to rub her arms so she’ll settle down.

I can hear the angry voice of a man yelling right back at her. The words are muffled, but I make out two words clearly before he hangs up on her.


“Shit,” her head leans back into my chest, and I kiss her temple.

“I know you’ve mentioned your family wouldn’t approve of us, but I honestly didn’t think it was that serious. I think it’s time you explained in more detail.” She sighs but nods.

“Not here or tonight. We need privacy for that conversation.” The door swings open, and two women pull up short when they see us.

“Um,” the one woman tries to point out I’m in the wrong bathroom, but before she can finish, Aspen is pulling me out into the hall.

“Just needed a moment alone with him, ladies. The room’s all yours now.” I listen to them giggle as the door closes, and I pin Aspen to the wall, kissing her thoroughly.

“Malachi! The party bus is here. Oh, sorry!” I glance at my guys as they smile at us.

“Coming,” I call to them.

“I wish,” Aspen mumbles, and I grin down at her.

“That can be arranged, Azizam. How about breakfast in bed tomorrow?” I pull out my keys and slip them into her hands.

“I expect you in my bed when I get home. Naked.” I kiss her mouth once more before turning to join my friends.

I leave her watching my ass which I can see from the reflection of the glass doors as we exit to climb into the bus. As soon as I’m on board, the guys start asking questions.

“Who was that?”

“Is she even legal?”

“What the hell does she see in you?”

Laughter fills the bus as we pull away from the bar.

“Ha, ha. Her name is Dr. Aspen Hoss. She’s the veterinarian who saved Foxy. So yes, she’s legal, jerk off.” I point at Josh, who had asked that question.

“Just looking out for you, man.” I roll my eyes at the groom.

“Hoss?” Steve asks, scratching his chin in thought.