Page 30 of Sparrow

“Found Foxy scratching at the door and your bags there.” He points at where they were dropped a few feet from the porch.

Foxy barks, and we take off running after her.

“How long since she came out here?” I think and curse.

“Ten minutes, maybe fifteen.” It’s long enough to have been taken for sure.

We get to the clearing that surrounds a pond Jared has on his property and slow down when we find Foxy sniffing the ground. She barks, and Jared bends down to check what she found.

“Tire tracks.” Fuck!

I pull at my hair and reach into my jeans for my phone.

“Who are you calling?” I ignore him and start to call Aspen’s phone.

He smacks the thing out of my hands, and I curse.

“If she has a phone and they haven’t taken it, you could be exposing it. Don’t you track her?” I frown.

“NO! You crazy fuck. I trust her.” He grinds his teeth.

“What’s the point in having those things if you don’t use them for what they’re for.” I start to argue that phones aren’t the government’s way of tracking every human when a thought hits me.

“Wolf,” I hiss as I start looking through the Internet for the Morningstar MC information.

I find a number, but it’s to the original chapter in Paradise, Nevada. I hit dial and pray someone picks up at this hour.

“Someone better be dead.” A sleepy voice answers, and I clear my throat.

“This is Officer Malachi Nassar of the Reno Sheriff’s Office. I need to get in touch with Franklin Hoss. It’s an emergency.” There’s a beat of silence before he talks again.

“What kind of emergency are you talking about, officer? Has something happened involving my nephew?” Oh shit.

“You’re Bear,” I whisper, trying to remember his actual name.

“I’m sorry, Asher, correct?” He grunts in reply.

“It’s your niece, sir. She’s been taken.” I hear something fall and then a shout.

“Who are you to Aspen?” Shit.

Am I ever going to meet a member of her family normally?

“Her future husband.” Go big or go home, right?

Jared curses, and I roll my eyes. I cover the receiver and glare at him.

“I learned it from you,” I hiss, putting the phone back to my ear.

He nods with a grin on his face.

“Officer Nassar, I’m Abel Brooks, the Vice President of this chapter. I understand one of our members is missing. What can you tell me?” I hear him shout ‘church’ before I can answer his question.

“You’re on speaker,” Abel says, and I take a deep breath.

“Aspen and I took an unplanned vacation and drove to Colorado. We arrived about an hour ago, and she went to get our bags from my truck while I was getting our room ready. She took my K9 partner with her. Foxy came back to the house in distress, and Aspen was nowhere to be found. Foxy tracked her scent to a clearing that has fresh tire tracks where none should be.” Jared walks up to me with paper in his hand.

“Found it in the grass,” I take it from him, bring it closer to the light of my cellphone, and turn it over.