Page 26 of Sparrow

“Don’t worry, Azizam. He’ll love you just like I do. Just don’t try to sneak up on him. He’s old but can still throw down.” His face looks so happy to be here, and Foxy starts yelping from the back seat as he pulls off the road and onto a dirt road.

“Scoot over and pull in so I can close the gate.” He hops out, pulling a key from his jeans pockets.

A big silver chainlink fence with not one but three lockets on it slowly opens as I get behind the wheel. I quickly get past it and back in my seat.

“Ready?” I smile.

Nope, not even a little.

The truck climbs a steep hill, and then the road looks to drop out from under us. It’s dark out, and the road has no lights to help us see where we’re going. Malachi seems not to be worried like he’s done this a hundred times, but I grip the door and armrest like a lifeline.

Foxy whimpers, and I look back at her.

“It’s ok,” she can sense my distress and is trying to get to me.

“There it is.” I turn in time to see a beautiful three-story lodge cabin in front of us.

“It’s beautiful.” From what I can see from the headlights, I can see flickering lights inside and smoke rising from the chimney.

“Thank you. I helped the fool build it.” No fucking way.

“You?” I look at his hands, which are well-manicured with not a callus in sight.

“Never judge a book by its cover. I know how to do all the many things.” He smiles at me.

“That’s because I taught you not to be a pussy.” I gasp as the deep voice comes through the glass of the truck.

“He’s behind me isn’t isn’t he?” I nod at Malachi.

“Fucker,” he turns and opens his door, but Jared is already letting Foxy out.

“Sit,” I haven’t gotten a good look at the man yet, so I climb out and walk around the back to catch him giving Foxy a treat.

“Good girl. You remember your training, don’t you?” He pats her head, and when he looks up at me, I’m met with blue eyes so light they’re almost white.

“Aspen Hoss,” I reach out my hand.

“Hoss? Malachi, you haven’t married this woman yet?” I choke on air.

“Working on it, you old prick. Now stop making eyes at her.” The man in front of me may be old enough to be my father, but he’s fucking gorgeous.

Trimmed silver hair and beard, well-built muscles that still look sturdy, and a knowing grin that tells me he’s trouble. I glance at Malachi and realize he learned that from this man.

“I don’t know. Seems to me like I got a shot with her. Since you haven’t sealed the deal.” I chuckle at their banter but shiver when a gust of cold wind whips through the trees.

“It’s colder than a polar bear’s nuts out here. Come on, inside. The fires are on.” We follow him inside the house, and the inside is just as grand as the outside.

Jared may be a recluse, but he did not skimp on appliances. It’s masculine but modern, with lots of grays and creams. Stainless steel kitchen everything, and the floors are to die for.

“Come into the study, and we’ll have a drink and catch up.” Jared points at different areas of the house as we walk, naming them and telling us to make ourselves at home while here.

I’m taking in the decor of the study and the books that line the walls when Malachi catches my attention with a glass in his hand.

“Thanks,” I whisper and bring the glass to my nose.

The warm, woodsy smell of whiskey fills my lungs.

“So what brings you up to see me? It’s not Christmas already, is it?” He laughs at himself but scratches his head like he seriously can’t remember.