Page 15 of Sparrow

“That’s assault, asshole!” I laugh at him.

“Sure is. I’m going to go get dressed, and I’ll drive you down to the station to file a report. Aspen, get your brother an ice pack. I’ll be back in a moment.” I turn my back on her brother and smirk.

At least now he has a legitimate reason to hate me.



“Come on.You’re getting blood on the floor.” I pull him inside and close the door.

Foxy growls at him, and a whistle from the bedroom has her running to Malachi’s side.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I sit him on a bar stool at the kitchen counter and turn to the freezer.

“Look, Shock was worried about you. When I got to your house, you weren’t there,” I turn, cutting him off, only to see him shrug.

“You panicked?” I shake my head and slam the ice pack on his face.

“OUCH!” Barking, followed by nails of hardwood floors, following his yell.

“Foxy,” I call at her, and she stops before using my brother as a chew toy.

“You shouldn’t be listening to commands from others. We’re going to talk about this later. Kennel.” Malachi pats her head as she leaves my side and walks slowly to her cage.

I look at him and smile when he’s back in uniform. I shake my head at him. If he thinks my brother is going to be intimated by that, he’s got another thing coming.

“That supposed to scare me?” Wolf snarls at Malachi.

He we go.

“Manners, this is his house.” I hiss at him.

“Yeah, he’s the asshole that made my baby sister cry. Where the fuck are your clothes?” I roll my eyes at him.

“Look, I’m fine. So go home.” He nods and stands.

“Fine, as soon as you do.” I grind my teeth.

“Azizam? Do you want to go home?” Malachi says the words sweetly.

“No.” I stare at Wolf.

“Do you feel safe with me?” I nod, not breaking the eye contact I have with my stubborn ass brother.

“Do you love me?” I blink and swivel to look at him.

“WHAT?” Wolf and I say at the same time.

“You really are related.” Malachi laughs at our expressions but walks in front of me and takes my hands.

“Your brother interrupted us. I need to know if you feel the same, Azizam.” I swallow and start to nod but stop.

“Yes,” I whisper.

He starts to kneel, and I gasp.

“Oh fuck no,” Wolf says right before he punches Malachi in the face.