Page 95 of Pucker Factor

“Yeah, but you can’t split a snack pack. I was saving it for after you guys died. I didn’t want to have to eat you.”

“And Funyuns were going to save you?” I asked.

“Not to interrupt, but we’re all a little tired and hungry. Maybe you could save your plotting for after we’ve all had a chance to get some rest and eat,” I cut in.

Rafe’s eyes cut to mine. I could tell he wasn’t happy about any of this, but he snapped his fingers at one of his men and walked away. I slipped my hand into Sarah’s as two of his men walked over and motioned at us, all while carrying guns.

“Why does this not feel like we’re someplace safe?”

“Because we’re not,” I muttered under my breath. “Don’t go anywhere with Rafe.”

She nodded, and we followed one of the men to our quarters. As the guard opened the door, he jerked his chin at me.

“I need to check you.”

I held out my arms, but he wasn’t going to find anything. I had lost it all in the last explosion. Then he turned to Sarah and patted her down. “I’ll be back with food.” He shut the door, but he didn’t lock it, which I found unusual. Rafe didn’t trust us on this ship, not that he would, no matter where we were.

“Let’s take a shower.”

“Um…before we do that, I should probably show you this,” she said sheepishly, pulling a phone out of her back pocket. “I sort of stole it from Rafe.”

“You—” I scratched the back of my head, unsure of where to go with this. “Why?”

That was it, all I could come up with. I wasn’t sure what else to say at this point. Did she steal randomly from people, or did she have a reason for doing it?

“I just…it just happens.”

It was as good an answer as any, I supposed. I took it from her, but immediately knew it wouldn’t be any use to us. “Rafe wouldn’t be stupid enough to leave his phone unlocked,” I mumbled.

“Can’t you hack it?” she asked hopefully.

I shook my head, knowing it was useless. “Sorry, I don’t have those skills. I need to plant this on Rafe before he realizes it’s missing. Why don’t you take a shower?”

She didn’t look too happy about it, but she nodded and walked across the ten-foot space to the shower. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get this back to Rafe, but I had to do it soon before he realized that Sarah took it from him. He wasn’t exactly the most generous guy I knew.

Finding him didn’t take long. I just followed the sound of scared feet running away from the booming voice. As the last guard stormed out of the office, I slipped inside and shut the door behind me. But I wasn’t alone. IKE was already inside, and he didn’t look too pleased to be there.

“Did I miss my invitation to the party?” I asked, sliding his phone across the desk to him. There was no point in trying to plant it on him. He would notice immediately. I wasn’t even sure how Sarah managed to steal it from him. That itself was worrying.

Rafe’s gaze narrowed his eyes slightly, flicking his eyes toward mine. “Do I want to know how you managed this?” he asked, picking up his phone.

“I guess you’re not as observant as I thought.”

I watched as his eyes shifted back and forth as if he was remembering something. “No, it wasn’t you. How’d she do it?”

My back stiffened. I knew it was a possibility he would figure it out, but I was betting on him not thinking anything of a woman we were protecting. “Not sure what you’re talking about. I was hoping to get a message to Cash, but—”

“Don’t bullshit me,” he spat. “I know you well enough.”

“Yeah? From our few weeks together where you impersonated your brother?”

“He could do it,” he pointed to IKE. “But not you.”

“Wow,” I said in a bored tone. “I’m impressed. What’s he doing here, anyway? Recruiting?” I turned to IKE. “I strongly suggest you walk away before you consider anything he has to say to you. People don’t tend to live when he’s around.”

“I already figured that out on my own,” IKE answered, leaning against the wall. Even after spending days in the same fucking suit, he still managed to look just as slick as when we stepped off the plane in Chicago.

“If people would stick to their jobs, they wouldn’t end up dead,” Rafe snapped.