Page 69 of Pucker Factor

“No, but it’ll make me feel better.”

“I’d just like to point out that killing him will most likely add blood to the water, which will then attract sharks,” Scottie said nonchalantly. “Not that you have to listen to me. I’m just another guy in a lifeboat, not wanting to die by a gigantic shark tearing me to pieces.”

“We wouldn’t be in this position if you hadn’t landed us in a foreign country,” Red grumbled. “I have a kid at home.”

“Oh, so the rest of us can die,” Kavanaugh mumbled. “Great to know I’m so dispensable.”

“Who do you have? Who was the last woman you remember by name?”

He opened his mouth to answer but then snapped it shut. “I don’t want to say.”

“That means it’s someone we know,” Eli said, sitting up straighter. “Who was it?”

“No one, okay?” Kavanaugh tried to turn away from us, but there was nowhere to go.

“Face it, man. We’re going to die out here,” IRIS said. “Do you really want to take this to the grave with you?”

“Yes,” he snapped.

“Fine, no skin off my nose. But that sort of thing would eat at me. I would want to get anything like that off my chest.”

“Then why don’t you tell us what’s bothering you?” I asked, smirking at him.

IRIS narrowed his eyes at me but relented. “Fine. If you must know, it’s eating me up that I don’t know if Jane slept with Alexander Pierce.”

“Oh, come on,” Eli huffed out a laugh. “You know she didn’t sleep with him.”

“Shesaysshe didn’t sleep with him,” IRIS retorted. “How do I know that she’s not just saying that because she doesn’t want to admit that she slept with a murderer?”

“Wait, who is Alexander Pierce, and who did he murder?”

“A bunch of people from Jane’s books.”

“Wait, he killed fictional characters?” I asked Eli.

“No, he killed people in the same scenarios that her characters were killed in her books. And Alexander Pierce was her next-door neighbor that she was going crazy for,” Eli smirked.

I gasped, holding my hand over my mouth. “And you married her?” I shrieked.

“Hey, she didn’t know he was a murderer when she was fantasizing about him,” IRIS said in defense of her.

“No, but she was in love with a killer, and you love to blow stuff up! That has to be some kind of weird…connection.”

“Are you saying she loves me because I’m a version of him?” IRIS said angrily.


“Because I’m not a version of anybody!”

“You’re a version of me,” IKE grinned. “I was in her book first.”

“And you die in the next one!” IRIS shouted. IKE’s face turned deadly as he scowled at IRIS. “Yeah, that’s right. I had her kill you off. She wanted you to fall in love and move to the Bahamas, but I convinced her it would be better for her readers if you were dead. Go out with a bang, if you catch my drift.”

It was quiet for all of two seconds before IKE launched himself at IRIS, strangling him as he yelled at him. “You son of a bitch! I had a good character! I worked my ass off to become that character!”

“But you’ll never be as good as me,” IRIS choked out, his face turning red. “I got…the girl!”

“Should…we stop him?” I asked Eli, watching as IRIS’s eyes bulged.