Page 28 of Pucker Factor

“Sure, take his side,” I huffed in annoyance.

The plastic ripped back again and Kavanaugh joined us. “Were you planning on coming back and calming your woman down?”

“She’s not my woman,” I argued.

“She had your wallet,” IKE pointed out. “That seems like something a girlfriend might have.”

“She has it because she stole it, not because I gave it to her for safekeeping.”

“Do you think it’s a bad thing if we end up someplace other than our destination?” Scottie asked.

“I’m just saying, she’s your responsibility. She kicked Red in the face!”

“She did what?”

“Why would we not end up where we’re supposed to?” IKE asked Scottie.

“Yeah, he was trying to calm her down and she freaked out,” Kavanaugh exclaimed. “I got the hell out of there. I’m not about to be taken down by your woman.”

“Because I don’t have any fucking radar!” Scottie yelled. “Why are there so many of you in here?”

We all turned at the sound of running. The plastic was torn down as Sarah flung herself into the cockpit, screaming as she looked at the storm. “We’re gonna crash!”

IKE turned back to me with a raised eyebrow. “Is this your idea of controlling your woman?”

“She’s not my woman!” I shouted, unbuckling and standing up just as she turned to me, her eyes wide with fear.

“You did this to me!” She tried to slap me, but I caught her by the wrist, preventing her from completing her mission. But that didn’t stop her from kneeing me in the balls and then jerking her wrist out of my grasp. Her elbow connected with Scottie’s head as I bent over, groaning as my balls shriveled up.

The plane dipped as Scottie took the hit. Lights flashed and an alarm sounded as the plane started to nosedive. My body was tossed forward into the flight deck.

“Get off the yoke!” Scottie shouted, trying to push my body away, but I was pinned by Kavanaugh, who fell on me.

“Christ, what a mess,” IKE grumbled, uncrossing his arms as he pried Kavanaugh from me, then grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me off the yoke. Scottie quickly pulled up, and the alarms died down. Sarah was still screaming, making us all go deaf. In one swift move, IKE wrapped his arm around her neck and put her to sleep.

Red ripped the plastic back and glared at all of us. “What the fuck is going on up here?”

IKE hauled Sarah’s body backward and practically tossed her at Red. “Here, hold this.” When he turned back around, we were all staring at him like he was crazy. “What? We all wanted to do it.”

* * *

“This is not Florida,” IKE said as he stood at the top of the stairs of the plane.

“Hey, I told you the radar was out,” Scottie argued. “I was just trying to make sure we landed at an airport.”

Sarah was bent over in her seat, hyperventilating even though we were on the ground. “I can’t believe you did this to me. I told you I didn’t want to get on the plane!”

“I didn’t think you were serious!” I said in frustration. “You just took a flight home the other night!”

“Yes, but on my terms! I had my medicine and I was calm. This—” she pointed around us, “was most definitely not on my terms! You kidnapped me!”

I was about to open my mouth and argue that point when Kavanaugh stepped in. “You can’t kidnap someone you know.”

She looked at him, then turned and shook her head slowly as she stared at me. “What kind of psychos are you? Do you realize how insane this is? I’m an American citizen! You can’t treat me like this!”

“Are we doing this, or do you need me to knock her out again?” IKE asked, turning around to face us.

“That was you?” she said accusingly. “How dare you!”