Page 147 of Pucker Factor


He shrugged. “My boyfriend dumped me. I’m allowed to hit on anyone I want. And do you see me wallowing? No, I’m playing the field, which is what you should be doing,” he said as he walked away.

I turned to Red, astonished by this new development. “Did you know he was gay?”


I nodded.

“No, but then again, I don’t usually go into a bar and start asking people their sexual preferences.”

“Huh, you think you know a guy…”

He snorted. “I’m not sure his name is even Jake. I just threw that out there.”

* * *

“His name is Jake,” I argued, refusing to be wrong about yet another thing.

We walked into the IT room still arguing about the same fucking thing since we left the bar after only one beer.

“Why are you arguing about this? I said his name could be Jake.”

“His nameisJake!”

“He started last week. Have you even been in the bar since then?” Red asked.

“No, but that doesn’t mean his name isn’t Jake,” I said sharply.

“Fine, his name is Jake!” he yelled, tossing up his arms in frustration. “Fuck, just drop it already.”

“How can I drop it when you’re just saying his name is Jake to please me?”

Dash turned around in his chair, lazily chewing a candy bar as he watched us argue. “Whatcha talkin’ about?”

I stormed over to him, ready to settle this once and for all. “The new bartender…his name is Jake, right?”

His brows pinched as he stared at me. “Do you have money riding on this?”

“Does it matter?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. I might have a favorite.”

“How can you have a favorite over who’s going to win an argument about a name?”

“I think the better question is why are the two of you arguing over a bartender’s name? Is there something I’m missing about this story?”

I grunted under my breath. This man was so frustrating. “There’s nothing more to the story. He said the man’s name was Jake, then he tried to take it back.”

Dash leaned back in his chair, gasping as he pressed his hand to his chest. “He took it back? You don’t say.”

“You know, I can still hand you over to Fox,” I said, glaring at him.

“Did you come here for something other than to argue with me about a man’s name?” Dash asked as he spun side to side in his chair.

“Yeah, I need to check on Sarah. I need video footage from outside her apartment.”

Dash eyed me carefully. “From outside…”