Page 92 of Pucker Factor

“One, because there’s no fucking way I’d sleep with a twenty-four-year-old. I’m way too fucking old for that shit. Second, unless you took classes, no twenty-four-year-old has the moves you have. And third, I saw your fucking driver’s license.”

Yet, there was still one crucial thing missing from his statement. “Nowhere in that conclusion did you mention that I’ve got that mature look to me.”

“Like I’d fall into that trap,” he snorted. “There is never an acceptable time to call a woman mature.”

“That’s not true. Scottie, you’ve got a woman. Wouldn’t you call her mature?”

“That’s difficult to answer,” he said, speaking a little since he was further away. “See, Quinn literally moved across the United States to get away from me after sleeping with me one time. All because she didn’t want to tell me she didn’t want to see me again. So…I’m not sure I could classify that as mature.”

“Aren’t you married?”

“Of course. She’s fucking perfect.”

These guys didn’t make sense. I sighed and laid back down, closing my eyes so the sun didn’t burn my retinas. I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to go to the ocean again. This trip was enough for me, and I was still trying to keep up the hope that we would be rescued, which was looking worse by the second.

“Do you think anyone from the other boat survived?” I asked, though it was a stupid question.

“If they had, I’m sure we would have seen them by now,” Eli muttered.

“I wonder how Horatio’s doing? Did you send someone to check on him?”

“Yes,” he sighed. “And Leonidas. They are both being looked after.”

“You don’t sound very confident in that.”

“And why do you say that?”

“Well, you sighed, making it sound like a big chore. Plus, you weren’t very willing to send someone out in the first place, so how do I know you didn’t just say you sent someone out there?”

He rolled and stared at me. “I guess you’ll just have to wait until you get home to see if they’re alive or dead.”

“That doesn’t make me feel very good.”

“Then maybe you should have fucked someone else,” he snapped.

My jaw dropped as I stared at him. What the fuck was that? Seriously, what a dick thing to say.

“This is one of those times I wish we could just exit this uncomfortable conversation,” Max muttered. “See, this is why I was on a beach, far away from anyone I knew.”

“To avoid couples fighting?” Kavanaugh asked.

“To avoid people in general.”

I propped myself on my elbow and glared at the man I wasfucking. “And who do you suggest I fuck instead of you? Should I have gone for Red?”

“Hey, I’m taken,” Red retorted.

“Or maybe Kavanaugh. Would he have been the better choice? Does he like spicy food? Maybe I should check it out.”

“Not that I don’t think you’re hot, but I don’t want to be dragged into—”

“So, you don’t think I’m hot enough either?” His eyes went wide the longer he stared at me. “Am I not good enough to pass for twenty-four?”

“I feel like this is one of those times a bullet is coming at me, and it’s best to just take it and let it kill me,” he answered.

“Or what about you?” I asked IKE. “Am I good enough to fuck you?”

“Look, that’s not what I meant,” Eli cut in.