Page 78 of Pucker Factor

Sighing, I leaned heavily against Eli. I felt like I could sleep all day. I was worn out from all that time in the sun, and I needed food now. “Is he really going to make us fish? I don’t know the first thing about being a fisherperson.”

“I’ll talk to the captain.” He leaned back, examining my tired face. “Are you feeling okay?”

“You mean, other than how my face feels like worn leather?”

He winced, brushing his thumb over my cheek. Just the slight touch burned. “Just go sit over there in the shade. I’ll see what I can do.”

I just wanted to collapse in his arms, but the thought of getting in the shade was too tempting. As soon as he walked away, I was hurrying over to the shade, sinking down against the wall. I closed my eyes, but felt a presence near me and startled.

A man was standing in front of me, holding out a bottle. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it was liquid, so I took it and chugged. I should have sniffed first. I winced as it burned a path down my throat. Seconds later, the bottle was pulled out of my hands and Eli was scowling down at me.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

I licked my lips, eager for more despite the fact that my throat was one fire. “I was thinking I was really thirsty and this nice man was offering me a drink.”

He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled instantly, my head swimming the moment I was upright.

“Whoa, what the hell was in that drink?”

“Alcohol, and no doubt, something else.”

“What does that mean?” I asked, stumbling behind him as he pulled me across the boat.

“It means that you should never take a drink from someone you don’t know. What the fuck were you thinking?”

I was pretty sure I already told him that. Why was he asking me to repeat myself? He gripped me by both arms and stared into my eyes. The two images of him…maybe three, swam in my vision. Maybe he wasn’t repeating himself. Maybe this was all in my head. Maybe I was in a dream with him.

“Do you think it’s possible for us to be dreaming the same thing?” I asked, tilting my head to the side, which was a terrible idea when my whole body started falling sideways.

“Christ,” he grumbled, hauling me up into his arms. I giggled, tossing my arms around his neck as he carried me around the deck. I took a deep sniff of his neck and grimaced. Wow, he smelled sweaty. I looked back up at him, amazed when I saw him wearing an eyepatch and a pirate’s hat. Well, that explained the smell.

“Do you always dress like this?”

“Like what?” he asked, looking down at me curiously.

“You know, like Jack Sparrow. It’s so sexy,” I whispered, giggling at how silly I sounded. “But I have to admit, I’m glad you have better teeth. Do you have a peg leg?”

He sighed loudly, setting me down somewhere else. The whole boat was rocking, making me feel sleepy. I laid down, staring up at the black sails as Eli chatted with one of his pirate buddies.

“Aye, matey, it’s no good, but our only choice is mutiny.”

“We have to protect the girl,” Eli growled. “She’s the key to everything.”

“Aye, she knows where the booty is.”

I frowned, rolling over to try and look at my own butt, but just ended up rolling around the deck. How the hell had I ended up on a pirate ship? I wasn’t aware pirates even existed anymore. Although, I had to admit, the adventure was pretty awesome.

I got to my knees and started crawling over to my sexy pirate. I felt like a sex kitten, about to pounce and take what was mine. I’d never seen a man in all my life look at me with so much lust in his eyes. I needed him. I got to my knees and ran my fingers up his legs, ignoring how he tried to shake me off him.

“Argh, I’ve got booty to take care of,” he growled.

“Mmhmm,” I moaned. “My booty.”

He grabbed me by the arms and hauled me to my feet. My eyes slid shut involuntarily and my head lolled to the side. I was trying desperately to get to him, but my body wasn’t cooperating. All I wanted was to feel his hands touch mine, to feel that feather in his hat tickle my most intimate areas.

“I’ve never done it with a pirate. Want to show me how you raise your flag?”

Okay, not the best line, but it seemed to do it for my sexy pirate. He growled before dragging me over to the corner. This was it. I was about to be shown how the dangerous man could ravage my body.