Page 152 of Pucker Factor

Sarah snorted, not at all fazed by the situation she found herself in. “Why not? You did it.”

“That was different,” I bit out. “We have a connection.”

Simon scoffed. “You think because you slept with her that means something? I have a deeper connection with her than you ever will.”

Sarah frowned. “I’m not sure that’s entirely true—”

He jerked her against him, squeezing her tight. “We were meant to be. I saw it in your eyes.”

“When?” she practically shouted. “Because I’m pretty sure I’m meant to be with him,” she said, pointing a finger at me, “but look where we are.”

“Yes, look where we are,” I snapped. “All because you couldn’t stop making friends with people that are trying to kill you. I warned you—”

“Are we really going to do this now?” she asked, not even caring that this fucker had a knife to her throat. “Because I have to tell you, if you’re trying to win me back, this is not the way to do it.”

“Ooh, you can win me this way,” the other woman in the room said, holding up her hand. “What do I do? Do I just step into her place and one of you rescues me?”

“What the fuck is wrong with these women?” Red muttered.

“Simon, lower the fucking knife before I blow your goddamn head off.”

“Yeah, because everything should be solved with a gun,” Sarah muttered.

“And where did making friends get you?” I asked.

“Just because I don’t immediately see evil in everyone doesn’t mean I’m naive. I know very well that Simon could be one screw loose, but I choose to think he can change.”

“Yeah, he changed into the psychopath that fell in love with the woman he tried to blow up!”

“Like that couldn’t have been you?” she yelled, stomping her foot hard on Simon’s foot, then swinging back with all her might, elbowing him in the gut. The knife scraped against her skin, but she shifted just enough to give me a shot. I fired without a second thought, hitting him right in the center of the forehead. His eyes showed a flicker of life for just a moment before the light died and he slumped forward onto Sarah, nearly taking her down. I rushed forward and pulled her into me as his body slumped to the floor.

She sighed heavily, staring at her shirt. “Well, I guess I can’t wear this anymore. I’m not sure I could ever get the blood out.”

“Yeah, you don’t want to wear it because of the blood. Not because of the reminder that a man just held you hostage,” I muttered under my breath.

“Well, it was a nice shirt,” she snapped.

“Wait, so that’s it?” her friend asked. “I didn’t get my turn.”

I rolled my eyes, “Kavanaugh—”

“On it.” He strode over to her and pulled her aside, probably already hitting on her.

“Well, I guess that means I won’t be getting my deposit back,” Sarah said glumly.

Hope filled my chest as she looked up at me expectantly. “Does that mean you’re coming home with me?”

“Well, it’s not like I can stay here now. My father will never allow it. And this blood won’t come out of the carpet. And I really don’t want my apartment to appear in one of those crime scene photos where the chalk outline is surrounded by all those yellow markers.”

“Yeah, that would be a shame.”

Her cat brushed up against my legs and then trotted over to the body. I thought for sure he was just sniffing, but then he started licking furiously at the body.

“Horatio! No! Bad kitty!”

I winced as he started gnawing at the corpse. “That’s disgusting.”

“Stop him!” Sarah shouted. “I can’t have him licking me after he’s chewed on a dead body!”