Page 122 of Pucker Factor

“And it took you all this time to get here? I’m not buying it.”

“It’s actually the truth,” Kavanaugh spoke up. “And then we had to run from sex traffickers, and the plane went down in the ocean. Then we got caught up in an arms’ deal gone wrong…And…then we had to row to Florida from the middle of the fucking ocean.”

She scoffed, shaking her head at us. “You expect me to believe that?”

“It does sound far-fetched,” I said to him.

“You need to leave!”


“Is there a problem?” another woman asked as she walked up to the front desk.

“Yes, I’m trying to access video feed from a client that was here a week ago.” Cash pulled his badge again and showed the woman. She pursed her lips, not looking impressed.

“The name of the client?”

“Sarah Williams.”

The lady was about to search for her name when she paused and looked up at us. “I’m sorry, but we already gave the security footage to her security team.”

“That’s not possible since we’re her security team,” Cash bit out. “As I explained to this woman, the man that was here before was not her security team, but the man that tried to blow her up with a bomb.”

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave, or I’m going to call the police.”

“Yeah, that’s what she said,” Cash snapped. “Listen, I have been rowing from the middle of the fucking ocean for two days. I’m tired. My guys are tired. We desperately need some fucking sleep, which we can’t get until we get that footage and find out who the hell snuck into her hotel room and stole the documents she was carrying. Now, you’re either going to give me that footage, or I’m going to get your boss on the phone and have you fired in the next five minutes. I don’t care what you have to do or say. You will get me the information I need.”


Cash squeezed his eyes closed, his temper rising by the minute. I had a terrible feeling about all this and stepped forward, placing my hand on his arm, but he shrugged me off. “Look, I have a wife at home who would very much like to see me since she just had a baby. It’s our first. She’s tired and would like a break. But instead, I’m here with you ladies that stand there in your power suits, thinking you can tell the world to fuck off because you’re women that don’t need a man to tell you what to do. Guess what? I’m all for women’s rights. Feminism is a fucking beautiful thing, but until you get your ass out there and defend a client, knowing that every moment could be your last, and your brother tells you to fuck off instead of helping, you can fuck feminism and everything that goes along with it!”

I winced when he was finally finished with his speech. The women behind the counter clearly weren’t impressed, and the rest of us were just desperate to drag Cash out of the hotel and never return.

I cleared my throat and grabbed Cash around the arm. “I think it’s time to go.”

“Fuck that! We came here for evidence and I’m not leaving until we get it!” he shouted, his eyes wide and crazy.

“Right, but this isn’t the way to get it. Did you get any sleep last night?”

“No,” he snapped. “And you want to know why? Because the kid won’t sleep. Eva was on the phone with me all fucking night because she was losing her fucking mind. And where was I? Down here, trying to sort out this mess because you landed in the fucking Caribbean instead of here!” he pointed at the floor. “Florida, do you hear me? That’s where you were supposed to be. Now I have the police chief, the district attorney, and my fucking wife calling me every five minutes wondering where the hell I am!When are you going to be home? We need the evidence! The baby won’t stop crying!”

I stared at him with wide eyes as he lost his shit right in the front of the hotel. Other patrons were now gathered around, holding up their phones as they recorded Cash’s spectacular meltdown.

“Red,” I said out of the corner of my mouth. “Get ready to move.”

“Yup. It’s gonna have to be fast.”

“Roger that,” I nodded.

“I got three o’clock,” Kavanaugh said.

“Cash,” I said softly, using the tone I usually used on female clients when they got hysterical. “We’re going to figure this out. I swear. Why don’t you let me talk to the ladies, and then we’ll get out of here.”

“Like I would trust you to handle any of this,” he scoffed. “You had one job! One fucking job and you landed in a world of shit.”

“Technically, that was Scottie’s fault, but I’ll take the blame if it makes you feel better.”

He spun back to the desk, ready to lay into them again when I heard sirens in the distance.