“Is that a question?”
“You know, this is very confusing.”
“It’s really not. Life is an adventure. You seem like a stable person. You have a good head on your shoulders. Now, if you were like me, slightly crazy with an affinity for Funyuns, I would say you should figure that out first. You don’t want to drag anyone else into your crazy world. But you don’t have a crazy world. You’re perfectly normal. Maybe even boring.”
“And boring is okay for some people, but you just met Eli, and he’s offering you a chance to really live life.”
“A life I don’t know if I want,” I argued.
“And what do you do if you don’t like your situation?”
This felt like some kind of test. “I change it.”
“Right, so you move in with Eli and see how it goes. Your cat and goldfish will be transported to Eli’s home—if he hasn’t done that already—and you’ll see how it goes. Or you can stay in your little one-bedroom apartment, reading to your cat every night while you pretend that you’re perfectly happy not having amazing sex.”
My mouth dropped open in shock, and then I picked apart something he said. “How do you know I read to my cat?”
“So, are you going to do it?”
“And how do you know I live in a one-bedroom apartment? I didn’t even tell Eli that!”
He slid his chair back and smiled as he walked over to where the man was walking out with a tray full of tacos. “Awesome! You really are the best. And I haven’t forgotten about that conversation.”
When he came back over, I was full of questions, none of which I thought would be answered anytime soon.
“Fox, how exactly do you know this about me?”
“Know what?” he asked, sliding the tray over. “Do you mind if I take one?”
He grabbed one and bit into it, moaning loudly. “Man, this is so good!” he shouted to the man who wasn’t even there.
“You should really eat.”
“How did you know all that stuff about me?”
“Are you gonna eat all those?”
He swiped at his face and grabbed a second taco. “I looked into you before I came down. This isn’t my first time stalking someone.”
“You—you were stalking me?”
He rolled his eyes as if explaining it was absolutely ridiculous. “Sarah— if I can call you that,” he narrowed his eyes.
My cheeks flushed red the longer he stared at me. Crap, he knew.
“I look into anyone that might become a potential mate for my friends. It’s how we keep each other safe. I had to make sure you weren’t evil before I rescued you.”
“Why would I be evil?”
“Well, you did have a bomb strapped to you.”