Jean had signaled on their first date that she was looking for a long-term relationship. And when he asked her out for tonight’s dinner, she casually pointed out that it was their third date, and said with a laugh, “You know what that means.”

He’d chuckled in return, even though he’d had no idea what it meant—he had to Google it. Then he really laughed because all of his previous dates he’d fucked on the first date, with only a handful ever making it to a third.

Maybe he should sleep with her. He enjoyed spending time with her. They might have more chemistry with their clothes off.


Aiden had just finished the last of his rounds and was standing at the nurse’s station signing off on tests he’d ordered when they received an alert that there was a patient en route via ambulance in possible cardiac arrest.

He thought back to Miles’s words earlier, “Remember, you’re not the only cardiologist who works here.”

“You got that, Ken?”

“Yep,” his colleague grinned. “Get out of here while you can.”

Signing out of the tablet, he slid it back in the tray and headed to the locker room to change into his suit and tie and get the hell out of there.

As he looped the red-black-and-grey striped tie into a Windsor knot around his neck, he realized he was apprehensive about dinner. He still wasn’t sure what to do about having sex with Jean.

He pulled the knot tight and huffed out a laugh.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m really not sure about having sex?

It’d been six weeks—what was there to even consider?

Dakota’s face flashed in his mind.

Doesn’t matter. She’s doesn’t want me. Move the fuck on already.

Hell, it hadn’t taken him but a month to find someone to fuck after leaving Susan. What was his problem? He was going to have dinner with a beautiful woman who’d made it obvious she wouldn’t be opposed to more. So, if the night led to sex, then he was going to welcome it, dammit.

Grabbing his duffel bag, he walked out of the locker room, keeping his head down as he made his way toward the exit.

The automatic doors leading to the parking garage were in sight when he heard it.

His name over the PA system beckoning him to the ER.


Aiden glanced at the doors as they opened; he was so close he could feel the cold air from the outside. He could ignore the page and keep walking—no one would ever know he hadn’t quite made it out of the building.

There are other cardiologists who work here, he reminded himself and took another step. Then he heard it again.

“Doctor Matthews to the emergency room.”

Closing his eyes and taking a deep inhale through his nose, he warred with himself as his phone buzzed with an incoming text. He didn’t even need to look to know it was the ER nurse’s station.

With a grumble and a curse, he turned on his heel and headed to the ER.

The nurse that he’d made cry—twice—paled when she saw him striding toward the nurse’s station.

“I was paged?” he snarled.

The woman looked like she was going to cry for a third time and opened and closed her mouth twice with no words coming out.

Finally, another nurse spoke up. “There’s a woman here waiting for her father to arrive by ambulance. She specifically asked for you. We told her you’d already logged off for the day, but Dr. Cunningham saw her and said you’d want to know she was here. Dakota—?”

He dropped his bag and demanded, “Where is she?”