He closed his eyes and rested his cheek on the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo.
Being with her had made him a better man. He always felt lighter when he was in her presence. Hell, he’d even managed to forgive his ex-wife and wish her well with Bjorn—something he never thought would happen. Maybe he’d even take a yoga class someday. The thought made him want to laugh.
She had changed him, made him open his heart again. But considering she didn’t want it, maybe that wasn’t such a good thing.
When the song ended, he led her back to their table where he sat with his arm around the back of her chair and gently played with her hair as he zoned out the conversation between her and Zoe. Instead, he basked in how good she felt next to him; how right. And how unfair it was she didn’t feel the same.
Maybe it was karma for all the women who’d wanted to be something more to him than a one-night stand, and he wanted nothing more to do with them.
Around eleven, Zoe declared she was calling it a night just as another slow song came on, and without even having to ask, Dakota stood and they walked toward the dance floor.
With eyes closed, they swayed to the beat as their bodies pressed against each other. He tried committing to memory how she felt in his arms.
He knew tonight, when they made love, it was going to be for the last time.
Aiden murmured in her ear, “Come on, Sunshine. Let’s go back to the room.”
He almost expected her to protest, but she just nodded, like she was on the same page.
If it wasn’t so cruel how in sync they were, even when ending their relationship, it’d almost be funny.
Chapter Fifty-Three
The only light in the room was the moon shining through the windows as Aiden carefully undressed her. Neither had said a word since they walked through the door. They both knew what this was—a way to say goodbye. Why ruin it with words?
When her dress was laying at her feet, he guided her to the bed where she lay back with her head on the pillow and watched him slip off his clothes. Her breath caught in her throat when he stood before her in all his naked glory.
She broke the silence when she whispered, “God, you’re beautiful,” as he climbed onto the mattress next to her.
“So are you, Sunshine.”
For the next hour, he kissed and caressed every inch of her skin until she was aching for his cock to be inside her.
“Aiden, please. I need you.”
He swirled his tongue around her nipple before releasing it, then moved up her body, aligning his cock with her entrance. Instead of pressing inside, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her sensuously, then paused to stare into her eyes when he thrust into her heat.
He didn’t say the words again, but his body told her he loved her, and her body whispered back what she couldn’t bring herself to say out loud.
Her climax began to build, and her pussy tightened around his cock, and she let out a long moan.
“Look at me, Sunshine,” he commanded just as the sounds of people shouting the countdown to the New Year came through the walls. It was like the whole inn was counting down to her orgasm.
As the cries of, “Happy New Year,” echoed throughout the Dragonfly, she fell over the edge, holding his gaze until she couldn’t help but close her eyes while calling out his name in ecstasy.
He burrowed his face into her neck and wrapped his arm tight around her as he thrust fast and hard. The sound of his grunts in her ear prolonged her orgasm, as did the feel of his warm cum when it filled her pussy.
His lips captured hers once more, and he stroked the hair from her face before kissing her like she was oxygen. He didn’t stop until his cock softened, and it slipped out of her, causing his cum to leak down her thighs.
With a kiss to her forehead, he murmured, “Be right back,” then returned moments later with a towel to clean her up.
He’d been as tender and caring tonight as he’d been dirty and rough that morning and the night before. And she knew why. Last night had been angry sex, but tonight he was saying goodbye.
As much as she knew it was for the best—it still made her heart heavy. Perhaps in another lifetime they could be together. Maybe that’s what the glimpses she’d get of them happy and together were from—another life.