“No, the cost to care for sick people was what caused regulations and anti-smoking campaigns.”

“Isn’t it exhausting—going through life so cynically?”

“Don’t you get tired of being little Miss Sunshine all the time? Unrealistically optimistic?”

“Nope. I choose to be happy. You should try it. You’d be surprised what a little optimism can do.”

“Think happy thoughts and good things will happen?” he scoffed. “Yeah, I’ll suggest that to my patients when I have to advise them to put their affairs in order because they have three months left to live.”

Her heart went out to him. She couldn’t imagine having to deliver that type of news to someone once, let alone on a regular basis. No wonder he was cynical.

“Well, in my experience, mindset is everything. As the Henry Ford expression goes, ‘whether you can think you can or think you can’t, you’re right’.”

He stood staring at her, as if he was considering what she said.

“Okay, I’ll admit there’s some validity to that. But you can’t wish away heart disease or cancer.”

“No, but there are things you can do to prevent or change them.”

“Sure, but thinking happy thoughts isn’t one of them.”

“Isn’t it, though? Don’t anger and stress play a role?”

He scrutinized her further. “Are you a lawyer, Dakota Douglas?”

That made her chuckle. “Not even close. I own a massage therapy business.”

“Of course you do.”

She couldn’t decide if he’d meant that to be an insult but chose to take it as a compliment.

Reaching into her joggers, she pulled out a business card and handed it to him. “You should come see me. We can work on clearing that negativity from your aura and helping you relax. I personally don’t take new clients anymore, but I’d make an exception for you.”

“Negativity from my what?”

“Your aura—your energy field.”

“Energy field… right.” He glanced down at the card in his hand. “Three locations, huh? Business must be good.”

“I can’t complain.”

Aiden glanced over at his daughters, and she followed his gaze. They were both smiling as they watched their exchange, but quickly glanced down at the happy dog when they noticed the two adults looking at them.

He cleared his throat as he pocketed her card. “I promised these girls a hike before I take them back to their mom, so I should get going.”

“Yeah, Barney is going to get impatient pretty soon, too.”

Neither of them moved, though.

Finally, he took a step toward Kailey and Brianna, then paused. “My negative aura and I enjoyed meeting you, Dakota.”

“Likewise, Aiden.”

She patted her legs and called, “Come on, Barney!”

Kailey and Brianna stopped petting him and stood, so he knew the attention had dried up and trotted toward Dakota.

She waved to the teenagers before picking up his lead. “It was great meeting you, ladies. Thank you for showering Barney with affection.”