Her proposition made his cock move, and not for the first time that night. Every time he’d looked over and found her chatting with someone, wearing her genuine smile, he found himself wanting to find a closet to fuck her in.

“I would love to come in and have my way with you.” He brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them. “And I just remembered; I have a bag I keep in the car for when I go to the gym.”

He glanced at her and found that smile he’d come to love.


Aiden couldn’t have described the whole night better himself.

He squeezed her hand he was still holding. “Thanks for going with me tonight. Everyone loved you.”

“How do you know?”

“They told me.”

“They told you?”

“Yeah. I can’t count how many people said how cute we are together and how happy they were for me. Although, I think what they really meant was they were glad someone as sweet as you was putting up with someone as curmudgeonly as me.”

“You know, you keep saying you’re this wicked grumpy old guy… I’ve yet to see it.”

“That’s because you bring out the good in me, Sunshine.”

It wasn’t a lie. Being with her improved his days tenfold. She made him want to be a better man.

She pulled her fingers from his grip and squeezed his inner thigh. “Hopefully I bring the bad out, too.”

Aiden returned the favor, only he moved his hand higher under her skirt and traced the trim along her panties.

“What do you think?”

“I think you probably should get us home for that nightcap.”



She woke from her peaceful slumber and reached for Aiden, only to find his side of the bed empty. His spot was still warm, so she knew he hadn’t gone far.

A quick glance at the open bathroom door with the light off ruled that out.

After a quick stop to brush her teeth and hair, she pulled her white, fluffy robe around her naked body and headed toward the stairs in search of her boyfriend.


Not boyfriend.

Friend who’s a boy who she likes to spend time with.

Chloe’s smartass comment rang in her ears, “And share cheeryohswith.”

The kind not found at the grocery store.

She pulled the robe tight around her chest with a smile, thinking back to all the O’s he’d given her last night.

Aiden was the most amazing lover she’d ever had. By far. He seemed to be so attuned to her body. And if Dakota were being honest with herself—she was to his, too.

They were two imperfect people who, together, made a perfect pair.