He put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest.

“Wrong superhero, buddy,” Chloe said as she walked. “That’s Superman’s pose.”

“Oh hush,” Dakota told her, then turned to Asher. “Thanks for saving the day, Spiderman! It’s too bad my grandson isn’t here to meet you.”

He pulled off his mask. “It’s me, Nana!”

“Oh my goodness!” She put her hand to her chest. “That is a great costume, Ash. You had us all fooled.”

“I’m going to get so much candy!” He paused and looked Aiden and Dakota over. “Are you going to get candy tonight?”

Aiden subtly squeezed her hip but let her do the talking.

“No, we’re not trick-or-treating. We’re just going to a grownup party where everyone will be dressed up.” She glanced at the oven clock. “Speaking of which, we should probably get going.”

“You need a picture of me first,” Aiden proclaimed.

“Oh, yes, we do!”

She and Aiden assembled in front of the wall where they’d been posing earlier. Asher pulled his mask down and stood in front of them in a web-throwing pose.

After their daughters finished snapping pictures, Asher lifted the mask up, walked over to Kailey, and grabbed her hand.

“You should be in the picture, too.”

Kailey laughed as she set her phone on the counter and let the little boy lead her back to Dakota and Aiden.

That made Aiden chuckle, but Brianna put one hand on her hip and indignantly asked, “What about me?”

Asher barely glanced at her. “I guess you can be in it, too.”

“Gee, thanks,” Brianna grumbled as she stepped forward.

He directed her to stand next to Dakota while he put himself and Kailey in the center, with Aiden on the other side of his daughter.

Chloe shook her head as she watched her son doing his best to charm the blonde teenager.

Raising the phone, she asked, “Ready? One, two, three,” then snapped several pictures before scrolling through to look at them.

“Can you get some on my phone?” Kailey asked her as she grabbed her phone off the counter and unlocked it before handing it to Chloe.

“Mine too, please,” Dakota said.

They posed for a few more shots, then Dakota said, “Okay, we really need to get going.”

Kailey and Brianna dumped the remaining contents of their glasses in the sink, then Brianna placed them in the near-empty dishwasher.

“Thank you,” Dakota told her. “You didn’t have to do that.”

Aiden scoffed. “Yes, she did.”

Kailey rolled her eyes as she walked by and lowered her voice, like she was mimicking her dad, “I’m not raising wild animals.”

He followed her toward the door. “Well, I’m not!”

Dakota reassured him. “You have very nice daughters.”

“Who know how to be polite and clean up after themselves,” he grumbled.