“For the record, I would gladly have my car repainted a thousand times if it meant we got to do that nine hundred and ninety-nine more times.”

She folded his shirt in half and swiped her pussy once more before sliding off the hood.

“That was super sexy.”

Aiden scooped up their clothes and shoes and walked toward the door leading to the house.

“You’resuper sexy, baby.”

She followed him inside and nearly ran into his back when he stopped short after hearing Barney’s tags jingle as he came out to greet them.

“He’s not going to bite my cock, is he?”

“I don’t think so. I mean, I’m not sure if he’s ever seen a cock other than his own, but I doubt he’ll think it’s a chew toy. Although you might want to guard it, just in case.”

His face must have paled because she took one look at him and started giggling.

“I’m teasing!”

His shoulders relaxed a little, until she added, “But you should probably put some shorts on, just in case.”



Aiden had ruined her for any other man, she was sure of it.

She’d never experienced passion like she’d had with him. It was exhilarating and unnerving all at the same time.

Part of her wanted to bask in the protection of his embrace forever. It was the forever part that freaked her out and had her debating about calling an Uber and sneaking out with her dog in the middle of the night.

But that would be a shitty thing to do, even if it was in the name of protecting her heart.

The last time she’d allowed herself to be vulnerable, she’d wound up pregnant and alone. She’d been just a child back then and didn’t know any better.

But if she had known better, then she wouldn’t have Chloe. Or Asher. She wouldn’t trade them for the world.

She was no longer a child, nor was she shutting off her gift anymore, so she wished the Universe would clue her in on the connection between her and Aiden. The only thing she’d been able to come up with was that he’d called her to him to help him heal from his divorce. But it seemed like he was ready to move on. His aura was lighter—the blacks and greys were gone. So why did it still feel like they were supposed to be together?

It's just closure, she argued. Their weekend together was closure. Nothing more.

They would enjoy their time and come Monday, they’d go back to their lives. Lives that didn’t include each other.

It made her sad to think about, but she trusted her vision this time. Being with Aiden would only lead to heartbreak. Hell, the Universe had practically planted the red flags in front of her today with the ghosts of his hookups past.

I hear you, Universe. Just let me have tonight.

Chapter Thirty-Six


She woke to the smell of food wafting in his bedroom. Taking a long stretch, she felt deliciously sore in all the right places and couldn’t help but let out a contented sigh as she looked down at her naked body. The events of last night played like a porno reel in her mind.

It was hard to believe the wanton woman starring in the porno was herself, but it was. And she didn’t feel the least bit ashamed. On the contrary, she’d treasure the memories of feeling alive with desire when she returned to her normal life tomorrow.

Maybe that was the reason the Universe brought them together? So, she’d know what true passion felt like.

But then she had to wonder why? For what purpose did she need to know what true passion was like? Was she supposed to find someone herself? That had never felt like it was in the cards for her, but maybe this was the Cosmos’s way of turning on that light for her and showing her she could have it, too.