But he still had tonight and tomorrow with her. Thirty more hours, and he wasn’t planning on wasting a minute.

“Come on, Sunshine,” he said as slid out of the booth and extended his hand. “I need to get you naked.”



I need to get you naked.

His blatant desire for her was such a turn on.

Although, knowing she wasn’t the only one he made feel special helped keep things in perspective. She knew she was just part of a long list of Aiden Matthews’s conquests. Hopefully, he was getting out from under his dark cloud and would allow himself a relationship with someone someday.

He deserved to be happy.

She had been glad to learn Whitney and Steven made up. It confirmed her visions were not wrong, and she was right to not get too attached to him.

Because as good a time as she’d had so far this weekend, that could’ve been a real possibility. Getting blindsided would have been devastating.

But they still had tonight, and Dakota couldn’t think of a better way to end their fun evening than getting naked.

She took his offered hand, and they walked to his car. With the click of his fob, the lights flashed as the door unlocked, but instead of opening her door for her, he leaned down and gently kissed her lips.

It was so sweet and tender that she let out a small whimper. Feeling the need to be closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him to her. One of his hands splayed across her ass while the other wove into her hair, and the tender kiss quickly became a lot more passionate.

Their tongues tangled as his grip on her hair tightened, and she could feel his cock harden against her stomach.

The sound of a horn honking as a car drove by and someone yelling, “Get a room!” brought them back to reality.

He chuckled as he dropped his forehead against hers.

“I guess we should finish this at home.”


Not, “my house,” but “home,” like it was a place they shared.

She guessed that was what they were doing for the night.

“Probably,” she whispered with a shy smile.

He opened her car door and waited until she was situated before closing it and going around to the driver’s side.

Instead of starting the car, though, he leaned over the console and kissed her. Once again, their kisses heated up, and she thought he was going to pull her onto his lap. Instead, he broke the kiss with a groan and pushed the button that started the engine.

“Put your seatbelt on, Sunshine; I’m about to break a few laws.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


He got them back to his house in one piece and closed the garage door before even exiting the car.

He hustled to go around to open her door for her, but she got out before he had a chance to, and they met at the hood of his car.

The lust was evident in her eyes as they stared at each other for a beat. Then he grabbed her face hungrily in both hands and captured her lips with his in a frantic kiss.

Her arms wove around his neck, and his hands slid down her neck to knead her tits. She reached to undo his belt, then unbuttoned his jeans. Sliding her hand under the waistband of his boxer briefs, she stroked his hard cock until it was leaking pre-cum.