
The band began setting up as they ate their burgers, and started to play about the time she’d finished her third margarita.

The second song into their set was AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long,” and the dance floor filled.

“Come on, Doc, let’s dance.”

She scooted out of the booth and hitched her finger in a “come here,” motion at him.

He wasn’t much of a fast dancer, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to turn her down.

They ended up dancing to the next five songs straight. Her laughter and exuberance were contagious, and he found himself laughing along with her as he twirled her around.

Even during a fast song, he needed to touch her somehow.

She only let him rest long enough to gulp down some water and finish his whiskey before the intro to Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar on Me” started up and she headed back out onto the floor, and he quickly followed.

He couldn’t remember when he’d had a better time.

The song ended and the band slowed things down with Elvis Pressley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” As he held her in his arms while they moved along the dance floor, he couldn’t think of a more appropriate song for how he was feeling that night, and he found himself hoping Monday never came.

Fuck casual.

They stayed until the band played their last song, then they plopped back into their booth laughing.

The cold water tasted good against his throat, and he was grateful that Joyce had topped their glasses off while they were on the dance floor. It probably helped that he’d tipped her well.

“They were so good!” Dakota exclaimed. “Do they play here often?”

“I think they’re here every Saturday.”

“We should come back again sometime.”

His ears perked up at the idea of coming here again with her. “Yeah. I’ll see what my schedule looks like next weekend.”

“Oh…” she hemmed. “I, uh, I didn’t mean we had tonextweekend. Just sometime in the future. You know, someday.”

He’d heard somewhere that someday was just another word for never.

Fuck. That.

“How about I look at my schedule, and if I have it off, that’s a sign from the Universe saying we should come.”

She gave him a patient smile. “Well, first of all, even ifyou’refree, it doesn’t necessarily meanIwill be.”

Shit, he hadn’t considered that.

“Sorry. I know, that was presumptuous of me.”

“Besides,” she continued, “shouldn’t you be with your daughters the next weekend you’re off?”

“There’s nothing that says I can’t be with my girls during the day and take you out dancing at night.”

“Let’s just play it by ear.”

She might as well have said, “We’ll see,” like his mother would when she didn’t want to tell him no but had no intention of saying yes.

She only wants casual, he reminded himself.