“Is it serious?”

He took another glance at his raven-haired beauty. “Yeah, I think it could be.”

There was no point pretending Dakota wasn’t special to him. He’d made time to be with her when he wouldn’t have even considered doing the same for any other woman except his daughters.

Jenna studied Dakota for a second before she remarked, “Not the type I would have pegged you for.”

“Really? You don’t think beautiful and brilliant is my type?”

She ran a hand along her body and scoffed, “Obviously not.”

This would have normally been where he put her in her place and not given a fuck about hurting her feelings, but he decided to take the high road. He didn’t need that negativity in his life.

And if that wasn’t proof that Dakota was rubbing off on him, then he didn’t know what was.

“Whoever ends up with you is going to be a lucky man, Jenna,” he said dismissively and nodded to the bartender when they made eye contact, then went back to watching the game.

He should have known Jenna wouldn’t take the hint and leave.

“I wish I could say the same about you, Aiden. Someone should probably warn that poor woman.”

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling like he did when he was praying for patience with Kailey or Bri. Finally, he gestured toward their table. “Go ahead, she’s right there.”

“Maybe I will.”

He shrugged. “I can’t stop you,” then turned to give his drink order to the bartender. When he turned back around, he saw Jenna marching toward Dakota.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

He really wasn’t expecting her to call his bluff.

While Aiden didn’t give a shit what Jenna was going to say to Dakota, he wasn’t going to subject her to the drama of his past hookup.

“I’ll be right back,” he told the bartender and headed toward his table.

“Really?” Dakota was asking Jenna as he approached. “What makes you say that?”

“He’ll make you think he cares about you only to disappear a month later.”

Jenna saw him standing at the table and flashed him a ‘Take that!’ smirk.

“Well, thank you for the warning. I will definitely take it under advisement.”

Jenna nodded. “Of course. Us women need to stick together.”


With a toss of her hair, Jenna walked away.

He knew his expression was pleading when he looked back at Dakota.

“I swear I never once gave her the impression we were doing anything but hooking up. The minute I realized she wanted more, I tried to let her down easy.”

“I know.”

Aiden jerked his head back. “You do?”

“Her “warning” might have been more believable had she not tried to wrap herself around you at the bar.”