He leaned against the doorjamb of his room and watched her slip on a pair of strappy heels. Her ass was banging in the dark jeans she had on, and the peak-a-boo cleavage of her pink blouse was going to drive him crazy all night. Her freshly applied makeup and styled hair made her look beautiful in an entirely different way than how beautiful she’d been earlier without it.

“Damn, you’re sexy, Sunshine.”

She finished fastening the strap of her shoe and stood up with a bright smile.

“You’re not too bad yourself, Doc.”

They let Barney out one more time, then headed to the pub. Fortunately, it was early enough that the band hadn’t started so there was still plenty of parking.

They walked inside holding hands, and he didn’t let go until the hostess seated them in a corner booth. The stage was on the other side of the room, which meant they might actually be able to have a conversation when the band started if they weren’t on the dance floor.

“We’re a little short-staffed right now,” the hostess said. “But you can order food here,” she pointed to a freestanding tablet-looking device on the table, “and they’ll deliver it from the kitchen. You can also order drinks, but I’ll be honest, it’s usually a lot faster if you just go to the bar for those.”

“Thanks, good to know.”

Aiden flung his arm around Dakota’s shoulder when she brought the tablet closer and studied it with her for less than ten seconds. He already knew what he was getting.

“I’m going to grab us a drink. Do you know what you’d like?”

She thought about it for a second.

“I haven’t had a margarita in a while. That sounds good.”

“Blended or on the rocks?”

“On the rocks is fine. With salt.”

“Margarita on the rocks with salt, coming right up,” he said as he slid out of the booth.

While he stood at the bar waiting for the bartender to take his order, he watched the Red Sox game on one of the many TVs the pub had broadcasting it.

Suddenly, he felt an arm around his waist, and he turned to pull Dakota into an embrace.

“Did you change your mind?”

Just as he was about to plant a kiss on her hair, he realized neither the arm around his waist nor the boobs pressed against him were his hippy chick’s.

Goddammit, not again.

“No, I didn’t, but it seems you did,” the woman said with a smirk.

“Oh, hey, Jenna,” he said as he extricated himself from her hold.

This time there was no hesitation remembering her name—not like he’d had with Chelsea that morning. He’d dated Jenna for almost a month before he stopped returning her calls. And what he meant by “dated” was fucked. They had nothing to talk about once their clothes were on, so they didn’t spend a lot of time together when they weren’t naked.

She’d been a decent lay—hence the reason he hung around for a month. But when it became obvious that she wanted more than just a hookup, he bailed. There’d been no point wasting her time; he hadn’t been interested in anything more.

“How’ve you been? Still busy at the hospital?”

That had been the excuse he’d given her about why he couldn’t see her anymore.

“Busy as ever.”

“Not too busy, it seems.”

She pointedly looked to where Dakota was sitting. He noticed she’d been watching them, but when they looked over, she quickly pretended to be studying the menu.

“No,” he chuckled. “I guess not.”