My little porn star.

He gripped a handful of hair and used it as a handle to move her head at the pace he needed.

“I’m so fucking close, baby.”

She moaned around his shaft and gently squeezed his balls, and his stomach tightened.

He pulled away and stroked his cock, and she lifted her tits like an invitation.

“Fuuuck,” he roared as he spurted the first rope directly onto her left tit. After that, he saw stars as he emptied his balls blindly.

His first coherent thought before he opened his eyes was,I hope I didn’t get any in her eye.

When he finally looked, he found her chest covered in his cum, and a stray strand dripping from her chin.

“That is a fucking beautiful sight,” he observed. “Where’s my phone? I want a picture.”

She reached for his t-shirt that was a foot away and chastised, “You are not taking a picture of me like this.”

“Why not?” he teased. “I would never show anyone else. It’d just be for me.”

“Famous last words,” she said as she swiped at her chest and face. “Not. Happenin’.”

“How about just your tits? I promise not to include your face.”

“What? Aiden! No!”

“Aw, you’re no fun.”

“On the contrary. I think I just proved that I’m plenty of fun.”

He gripped her chin as he leaned down to kiss her lips.

“Touché, Sunshine.Touché.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


They laid on his couch watching Netflix for the rest of the afternoon, alternating who got to choose what they watched next.

When it came to her turn, she scrolled down to the “since you watched, you might like…” portion.

She turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “Gilmore Girls?”

He wasn’t even the least bit embarrassed.

“I watch it with Kailey and Brianna when they’re here.”

She studied him for a minute before leaning over and kissing his cheek.

He smiled as he touched the spot she’d just kissed. “What was that for?”

“You’re a good dad. You’re the kind of man I would have wanted for Chloe’s dad.”

“That’s pretty high praise, Sunshine.”

“I’ve seen you with your daughters. I think it’s warranted.”