Sunshine: I seem to attract gentlemen.

Aiden: If you’re talking about me, I’m flattered. But make no mistake, I want to do very ungentlemanly things with you.

The dots started and stopped again, and he worried he’d gone too far.

His fears were confirmed when she simply responded,

Sunshine: Goodnight, Aiden. I enjoyed chatting with you.

Well, at least she didn’t tell him to fuck off. He’d take it.

Now, whenever he wasn’t at the hospital, he needed to stake out World’s End like it was his second job. He was going to be in such great shape.

The girls were going to either love it or hate it.

Aiden suspected if it meant a possible love connection for him, they’d be on board.

Fuck serendipity. He was creating his own fate.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Spending his free time at World’s End had sounded great in theory, but reality was a different story.

Work had been busier than ever. He went home to sleep and shower, and then he was back at the hospital, unless it was his night with the girls. And when Kailey and Brianna stayed with him, it was usually dusk by the time he was able to pick them up.

He ran into Hope in the hall of the hospital, and she spilled the beans that Whitney was pregnant. He didn’t hesitate to head to the ER to congratulate Steven. The fact he was going to ask about Dakota didn’t negate the good wishes he had for his friend.

Aiden found Steven in his office.

“I hear congratulations are in order, Big Daddy.”

Steve looked up from his paperwork, grinning ear to ear.

“I still can’t believe it. I’m going to be a fucking dad! I should be scared shitless, but I’m too damn excited.”

“You’re going to be great.”

“I’m going to be coming to you for all kinds of advice—especially if it’s a girl.”

“I don’t how much help I’ll be, but I’ll do my best. Susan was really the caregiver, especially when they were little.”

Steve shook his head. “I don’t believe that. I’ve seen you with your girls. They adore you.”

“I’m lucky they do.”

“Have you thought about having any more?”

“More kids?”


“Hell no. I’m too old for that shit.”

“But what if you meet someone, and she wants kids with you?”

“The only woman I’m interested in already has a grandchild, so I’m not worried about that.”