Aiden: Hey. The girls and I went on a hike at World’s End this morning, and I thought about you. Was secretly hoping to run into you and Barney.

The dots to show she was responding started and after what felt like an eternity…

Sunshine: Hi! How funny. I was there this evening with him.

He let out a groan. They’d debated about going in the evening, but the girls reasoned that since it’d been in the morning when they ran into her before, they should go after breakfast.

Aiden: You can’t hold the fact that I have two teenagers who needed to go to their mom’s tonight against me. Being there on the same day should count for something.

She just sent back a smiley face. He decided to press his luck.

Aiden: The girls also scolded me for waiting so long to text you to tell you again that I had a great weekend. In my defense, I wasn’t sure how my text would be received.

The three dots started and stopped several times until his phone dinged.

Sunshine: It’s nice to hear from you.

That was good, right?

Aiden: How has your week been?

I haven’t stopped thinking about you.

He knew better than to add that, even though it was true.

Sunshine: I’ve been busy, which is good. Keeps me from doing something I shouldn’t.

Aiden: Like what?

Sunshine: Faking a heart attack or something.?

His heart skipped a beat at her admission.

Aiden: No need to do that. Say the word and I’ll be at your door.

PS—that includes right now.

Sunshine: As tempting as that sounds… We have an ‘accord’.

He laughed out loud. She was never going to let him forget calling it that.

And he was perfectly fine with it.

Aiden: I read somewhere that accords are meant to be modified. JS

Sunshine: JS? Lol Tell me you text with teenagers without telling me you text with teenagers.

Aiden: Full disclosure—I text with my girls A LOT, but I think I got that from Zach.

Sunshine: Well, he’s as close to a teenager as a grown man can get, so that makes sense.

There was a lull, and he didn’t know what to say next—especially since she didn’t take his ‘accords are meant to be modified’ bait. He wanted to keep their conversation going, but he also didn’t want to come off as desperate.

Aiden: Thanks for responding tonight.

Sunshine: Of course. Anytime. Who knows, maybe we’ll run into each other on a hike someday. Just don’t pepper spray my dog.

Aiden: I would never. Barney is obviously a perfect gentleman.