“Bjorn asked me to marry him,” Susan blurted out.
He glanced at her left ring finger that was now sporting a sparkly piece of jewelry.
“And, I’m guessing by the diamond on your hand, you said yes.”
“I did,” she replied softly.
Aiden knew there’d be a day when his ex-wife would remarry. Granted, he never would have imagined it’d be with Bjorn, but he obviously didn’t know her as well as he’d once believed.
However, he always thought he’d feel jealous when he learned the news. Oddly, he felt… nothing.
“Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, Aiden. That means a lot. Kailey isn’t taking it as well as I’d hoped.”
That didn’t surprise him. While both girls had adjusted to the divorce and splitting their time between their two parents, Kailey seemed to have had a harder time.
“I’ll talk to her.”
Susan’s shoulders visibly sagged. “Would you? I know she’s still mad at me for…” She didn’t finish her thought.
Breaking up our family?
He gave himself an internal shake. Maybe she’d done them all a favor. He hadn’t been able to see it that way before, but now…
His mind flashed to the beautiful, calm hippy chick with the smoking hot body.
Perhaps there was a reason for everything after all.
“So, your mom and Bjorn are getting married,” he stated matter-of-factly when he pulled out of the neighborhood.
“I guess so,” his oldest mused as she stared out the passenger window.
“The way he asked was pretty romantic,” Brianna chimed in from the backseat.
Kailey turned to fix her little sister with a death glare. “Dad doesn’t need the details. I’m sure it’s painful enough without them.”
“Whoa. Hold on a second,” he interjected. “Is that what you think? Is that why you’re upset? Because you think my feelings are hurt?”
Tears filled her eyes as she nodded her head.
Aiden pulled into the nearest strip mall and took his seatbelt off after he put the car in park, then turned to face his oldest head on.
Grabbing both her hands, he soothed, “Oh, Kay Cat. Don’t. I’m happy for your mom. She and I weren’t good for each other. Bjorn is good for her.”
“She does smile a lot more than she used to,” Brianna added from the backseat.
“Exactly. She’s happy, and I’m glad. I couldn’t make her happy.”
“But what about you?” Kailey’s bottom lip trembled.
“What about me?”
“You’re all alone.”
Aiden reached across the console to pull her in for a hug. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m not alone. I’ve got my two girls and a job I love.”