Chloe closed the refrigerator door with a thud. “That’sexactlyhow it works, and you know it.”

“Okay, that’s normally true. But it’s not how it works for me.”

“Well, there’s obviously a reason you were brought together.”

“Yep,” she said with a smug smile, thinking back to the countless orgasms he’d given her. “And that reason was fulfilled and now we go our separate ways.”

“Steven said he’s a really good guy,” Whitney interjected. “Excellent doctor, great dad…”

Don’t forget amazing lover.

“So, what’s the problem?” Chloe asked.

She shook her head. “It’s just not going to work. I’ve already seen that if I continue with Aiden, he’s going to break my heart.”

“Maybe the ride would be worth it.”

She fixed her daughter with a stern stare. Chloe only grinned in return.

“You think you’re so smart.”

“No, I was just thinking—WWMS—What Would Mom Say?”

“Yeah,” came Whitney’s voice through the speaker. “That’s exactly something you’d say.”

“Well, like I said, it’s now up to the Universe. We’ll see what happens.”



Kailey and Brianna flew out the front door of his old house when they saw him pull in the driveway. He threw the Audi in park but left it running when he jumped out to swoop them both into his arms for a group hug.

“There’s my girls!”

Susan was standing by the garage with a soft smile, her arms wrapped around her middle as she watched the exchange between Aiden and his daughters.

“I missed you!” he exclaimed as he took a step back while holding on to their shoulders. “Did you have a good time?”

“We did,” Kailey said.

“And the car ride?”

“Wasn’t as bad as I thought,” Brianna supplied.

Susan came closer.

“Girls, go grab your bags, I need to talk to your dad.”

“Yeah, she has news,” Brianna said with a smirk.

Aiden cocked his head. “Oh yeah?”

“Yep,” Kailey replied brusquely before walking toward the house without another word. Brianna shrugged and followed after her sister.

He watched until they rounded the corner of the garage.

“What was that all about?”