Zach nodded to where the two twenty-somethings were building sandcastles.

“I’m glad I did. They can keep each other company while the grownups talk.”

Aiden liked Zach and was glad to see him interested in someone his own age and who wasn’t a stripper. Too bad that woman had also brought a date that weekend.

Not my circus, not my monkeys, not my problem.

“I think I’m going to grab a nap before dinner.”

Zach agreed. “That sounds like a good idea.”

Evan gave Hope a sly look but didn’t say anything in front of Steven. Probably smart on his part. Especially since Steve seemed grumpy after he got back from lunch with Whitney.

Again, not his circus, monkeys, or problem.

“I’ll see you guys later.”

With any luck, a curvy, gorgeous, raven-haired hippy would wake him soon. Preferably with her body on his.



She’d said she’d pour Whitney a sangria, but realized as they walked to where Zoe was still seated in the sand that wasn’t a good idea, given Whitney’s unconfirmed pregnancy.

The problem was, how did Dakota get her to not drink alcohol without telling her why?

Zach’s mama raised him right, because the minute the two appeared, he was out of his seat and said, “I’ll go grab you another chair.”

Dakota gestured for Whitney to sit down, then moved to the tiny plastic table between the chairs.

Fortunately, the sangria pitcher was empty, so she didn’t have to do anything drastic, like “accidentally” spill it.

“You know what sounds really good?” Dakota asked. “Lemonade.” She picked up the plastic pitcher before anyone could disagree. “I’ll make some.”

Zoe jumped to her feet. “Don’t be silly. I’ve got it,” and took the container out of Dakota’s hands.

“Not spiked,” Dakota said softly, then turned to sit in the seat Zoe had just vacated.

“So, what’s troubling you, my friend?”

Whitney stared out into the ocean for a second before turning to her with furrowed brows.

“Do you really think I can have it all?”

She reached across the table and placed a hand on Whitney’s arm. “I have no doubt.”

“It’s just scary, you know? I’m so used to staying in my lane, because anytime I dared to want more, I’ve been put back in my place.”

“Sweet girl. The Universe wants you to have it all. You just need to be willing to accept you are worthy. And that means demanding it if it’s not coming.”

“That seems dangerous—making demands.”

“How else will the Universe know what to send you? The night before I came here, my daughter asked for a great guy to show up for me and give me mind-blowing orgasms.”

“Cue Aiden.”
