“Well, sure.”

“Meditation and yoga would help that. I think you would also benefit from singing bowls.”

“I don’t even wanna know what the hell those are.”


He leaned over and kissed her lips to stop her from talking, then pulled away with a grin. “I just said I don’t want to know.”

She sighed as she scrutinized him with pursed lips. Finally, she said, “Do you ever have patients who come to you—let’s say they have a high-stress job that doesn’t leave them much time for exercise and they smoke and drink and are overweight. What do you recommend?”

“Obviously, reduce stress, lose weight, quit smoking, try to exercise more.”

“So, you tell them all the things that would help them with their heart disease, but they ignore your advice.”

“I know where you’re going with this…”

She ignored him and kept talking. “How do you feel when they leave your office?”


“Because simple lifestyle changes would make a world of difference for them, right? Yet they won’t do them because either they don’t really believe the changes will help—regardless of what you tell them, or they don’t want to change.”

“Pretty much,” he conceded.

“So, what do you do?”

“The only thing I can do. Keep trying to get through to them.”

Dakota sat back in her chair. “Exactly.”

Aiden narrowed his eyes at her as he reflected on her point. He’d read studies on the benefits of yoga and had even recommended it to his patients. He had, however, never tried it himself.

“Fine. I’ll try yoga with you. But the second you start talking about auras and chakras—I’m out.”

“We’ll just start with postures—nothing else; I promise.” Then she softly added, “For now.”

“I heard that.”

She brought her coffee cup to her lips with a smile. “Good.”

He leaned forward. “You know what else helps reduce stress?”

Dakota raised her eyebrows. “What?”


He expected her to scoff or roll her eyes. Instead, she met his gaze with a straight face and cockily replied, “I know.”

Chapter Sixteen


“There you guys are!” Steven said when they walked through the French doors from the back patio.

“We were up early and didn’t want to wake anyone, so we went to the boardwalk for coffee,” Aiden explained. “Although I see Barbie is already at the beach.”

“She went down there the second she got up,” Zach said from a stool at the kitchen island. “You guys up for some volleyball?”