“Sunshine, that fire is already stoked and burning bright.”
“Well then, let’s not add gasoline to it.”
He sighed again, kissed her forehead, then reluctantly removed his hands. “Fine. Let’s get changed.”
He took a pair of jeans from his bag as Dakota opened her suitcase and pulled out a pair along with a sweatshirt. Clothes in hand, she headed to the bathroom they were sharing with Zach and his plus one, Barbie.
“Don’t trust me?” he asked as he dropped his shorts.
She surveyed his gorgeous body as he stood at the side of the bed. His cock was semi-erect in his white boxer-briefs, his broad chest was emphasized under his blue t-shirt, and those strong muscular arms of his that, when he wrapped them around her, made her feel protected.
“No. I don’t trust myself.”
His grin grew broader. “That’s my girl.”
Dakota closed the bathroom door and leaned against it. He was being flippant—he didn’t really mean she washisgirl.
So why had his words unleashed a kaleidoscope of butterflies in her belly?
He begrudgingly let her lead him to the bonfire on the beach where everyone had gathered. While he liked these people, he would have much rather spent his time with just Dakota. He didn’t even care if they were naked—although that would have been a bonus.
They’d just reached the group when Hope declared how cute Whitney and Steven were.
“Aren’t they though?” Dakota agreed.
Steven looked over his sister’s shoulder and the smile on his face immediately fell into a frown. Aiden glanced at what had caught his friend’s attention.
Evan Lacroix.
He was a doctor in the ER with Steven. The two had been friends once but had a falling out recently. Rumor was it was because Steven had beaten him out for the director position, but Aiden knew it was something bigger than that. Their feud had started before Evan even applied for the job.
Next to Evan was his pregnant twin sister, Olivia. She was an Ob/Gyn at Boston General, and every time Aiden had run into her, it seemed she was as nice as her brother was arrogant.
Not that Evan didn’t have a reason to be arrogant. He was a damn good doctor. But so was his sister, and she managed to remain humble.
Hope seemed especially happy to see the two.
While part of him was curious about what was going on with that, he mostly didn’t give a shit. He had someone far more interesting to worry about—the gorgeous ray of sunshine disguised in a grey Boston College sweatshirt and a pair of jeans that hugged her ass like he wanted to.
“How long do we have to stay down here?” he quietly asked as they moved toward the cooler of beverages.
“Until other people have left first,” she chastised as she opened the cooler and fished through the ice until she found the Blue Moon she wanted.
“Do you want one?”
“Yeah. I’ll have the same.”
Evan and Hope joined them while everyone else sat around the fire.
Hope introduced Evan to Dakota, then laughed and said, “And of course you already know Aiden.”
“Hey, Aiden. Good to see you, man. How’ve you been?” Evan asked as he deposited the beer and sodas he’d brought with him into the cooler.