She replied without hesitation. “Even better. And I think you’re right about her and Steven. They seem like a perfect match.”

She didn’t say anything about Whitney being pregnant, but it was Hope who said wistfully, “I can’t wait for them to have kids. Can you imagine how perfect they’re going to be?”

James laughed, “No doubt,” while Yvette murmured her agreement. Zach, however, was noticeably more subdued and didn’t reply.

Dakota’s third eye told her Zach’s sadness stemmed from him not having children. And she knew it was beyond his control.

But she also sensed happiness was right around the corner for him. And it was as close as next door.

As always, she kept her visions to herself.

“Let’s see if Steve and Whitney need any help,” Hope suggested.

As the group walked up the hill, Zach asked, “Should we wake Aiden up?”

“I can go check on him.”



He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew, he felt someone shaking his shoulder.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found Dakota standing next to the bed, fully dressed.

“Hey, sleepyhead. Dinner is almost ready.”

Aiden sat up with a start. “What time is it?”

“Almost six.”

“Damn.” He rubbed his eyes. “You wore me out, woman.”

That didn’t bode well for his promise to satisfy her all night.

“As much as I enjoyed what we did and would love to take credit for being the reason you slept so soundly, James told us you got called into work last night and were at the hospital until early this morning. He said you lost one of your patients.” She reached for his hand. “I’m so sorry, Aiden.”

Her fingers were soft and warm as they gripped his.

“The first time I lost a patient and had to tell his family, I was so pissed at Columbia for not preparing me better for the reality that I was going to have patients die. But, over the years, I’ve come to realize it doesn’t get any easier—even when it’s expected, I could never be fully prepared. Maybe the day I am is when it’s time to retire.”

“Your patients are lucky to have a doctor with so much compassion.”

He met her gaze with a grin. “I prefer to think they’re lucky to have such a skilled doctor.”

“Well, that too. But I just assumed that was a given.”

“How would you know that?”

“Well, aside from you just telling me how great you are?” she teased. “Your colleagues talk. They’re a gossipy bunch. Apparently, you’re the heart doc anyone working at Boston General wants for themselves or their loved ones if they’re having cardiac problems.”

That knowledge shouldn’t stoke his ego. But it did.

“That’s only because they know I’m a sucker for writing my services off.”

She leaned over and planted a long kiss on his cheek, then whispered in his ear, “That’s not it, and you know it.”

Yeah, he did, but he was trying to be humble.