While nestled against Aiden’s hard body in the darkness of night, she wanted to whisper, “I love you,” but held her tongue. What good would come from confessing her feelings? It would only complicate things.

Instead, she kissed his chest, and allowed sleep to overtake her.



He felt her stirring next to him and gently squeezed her hip. He’d been dreading this since she fell asleep last night. When they got up, it’d be the last time they’d be in bed together.

“Good morning,” he said quietly.

“Good morning. Happy New Year.”

It didn’t feel very happy.

“Any resolutions?”

“Oh, you know—the usual. Drink more water, do yoga more, try to be more present. You?”

Fuck it. He didn’t have anything to lose by being honest.

“This year, I want to settle down. Maybe get married again.”

“Find the girl of your dreams and marry her within a year? That’s quite ambitious,” she teased.

He gave her a soft smile when he tucked her hair behind her ear. “I already found the girl of my dreams.”

She returned the smile and nuzzled her cheek into his hand. “I wish things could be different.”

He pushed up onto his elbow to look at her straight on.

“Why can’t they be? What’s stopping you? You could choose me—us.”

“Aiden,” she choked back a sob. “I’m sorry, I just can’t.”

It hurt to keep looking at her, so he stared at the Christmas tree in the corner when he muttered, “And I can’t do this anymore.”

Her voice was whisper soft when she uttered, “I know.”


The ride back to Boston was painfully quiet, as neither of them seemed to know what else to say.

Polite chitchat almost seemed callous at that point, so instead, they didn’t say anything.

It was the longest ninety minutes of his life.

Yet, in a way, he never wanted it to end. Once they reached her house, they’d be officially over. He’d rather have her next to him, even in the awkward silence, than lose her forever.

And how pathetic was that?

He pulled into her driveway and put the car in park before shutting it off. She glanced over at him with a furrowed brow.

“Don’t worry, I’m not coming in—just walking you to the door.”

She swallowed hard and nodded, then opened her door. He grabbed her suitcase from the trunk and waited beside her as she unlocked her front door.

Turning to him after she set her suitcase inside, she stroked his cheek with watery eyes.