“You are fucking stunning.”

She glanced down and smoothed invisible wrinkles at her stomach. “What? This old thing?”

It felt good when they both laughed.

Aiden refilled their glasses, emptying the bottle in the process, and handed hers to her.

“Thanks,” she said and immediately took a long pull before telling him, “You look very handsome yourself. I love that suit.”

“Thank you.”

For a guy who didn’t have to wear a suit to work, he certainly owned a lot of them. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d worn the one he had on, or the one he brought for tomorrow night. Fortunately, other than when he lost fifteen pounds after finding out about Susan and Bjorn, his weight rarely fluctuated, so he never had to worry about them not fitting.

He gulped his champagne down and set the empty flute on the table with a wink. “I knew I’d have to keep up with my hot date.”

She gave him a polite smile before taking another long drink, then set her glass next to his.

“Shall we go?”

He offered her his arm. “Yes, ma’am.”

She looped her arm through his and held his biceps as they walked out the door.

If there was one thing they’d mastered in their short time together, it was ignoring the elephant in the room.

Chapter Fifty


The salon was buzzing when they walked in. There were faces she immediately recognized—including Zoe from the Cape, and she bit back a knowing smile when she noticed Zach was glued to her side.

Whitney was glowing while Steven’s face lit up every time he looked at his bride-to-be. Dakota was so happy for her friends. Their bliss was palpable.

Aiden laced his fingers through hers and walked them toward the bar.

“More champagne?” he asked as they approached the counter.

“Just one more until dinner. I haven’t eaten since breakfast, so it’s starting to hit me.”

Aiden told the man, “One champagne and a whiskey on the rocks,” then turned around and surveyed the crowd. He nodded toward Steven and Whitney laughing with Zoe and Zach. “They’re so happy.”

“Which ones?”

He chuckled at her question. “Both, it appears.”

She saw dark clouds ahead for Zoe and Zach, but sunshine peeking through if they managed to weather the storm.

“They’re a good match.”

He threw her question back at her. “Which ones?”


Aiden considered the new couple for a minute. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Zoe seems perfect for Zach. She definitely won’t take his shit.”

She laughed. “Is that the key—not taking someone’s shit?”

He looked her square in the eye when he replied, “I wouldn’t know.”