“They sprang for the good stuff, too,” he said with a grin as he removed the foil around the top and untwisted the wire cage that ensured the cork didn’t explode.

After a brief tug, the cork was free and only a little of the bottle’s contents overflowed on the table before he poured two glasses.

Handing her one, he held the flute aloft.

“To a wonderful weekend celebrating with our friends. And to starting the new year right by being with you.”

“Cheers,” she said as she clinked her glass against his.

He took a sip, then mused, “Who’d have thought last Fourth of July that we’d be here at the end of year for Steven and Whitney’s wedding.”


Aiden studied her face for a minute. She was so damn beautiful, and that red lipstick she was wearing was just calling to him to kiss it off.

He placed his flute on the table, then reached for hers and set it next to his before pulling her tight against him.

“Yeah, together.”

As his lips crashed down on hers, he couldn’t help but wonder,but for how long?

Chapter Forty-Nine


Damn this man knows how to kiss.

She found herself gripping his biceps as his tongue plundered her mouth, and she pressed her body tightly against his.

Her pussy tingled as her need for him grew. Her body began to feel flush underneath her sweater.

“You’re wearing too many clothes, Sunshine,” he murmured as he lifted the bottom of her beige cable knit and pulled it over her head, so she was left in nothing but her red satin bra and jeans.

Dakota tucked her hands under his Henley and ran her nails along the ridges of his six-pack.

“So are you.”

Without a word, he reached behind his neck and tugged the collar until the shirt was over his head.

She let out a sigh as she looked him over. He was, by far, the sexiest, most handsome man she’d ever known.

The corner of his mouth turned up. “What was the sigh for?”

“It’s probably a good thing you’re grumpy at work. Otherwise, I doubt you would ever get any work done with the number of nurses who’d be throwing themselves at you.”

He threw back his head and laughed.

“That’s definitely not a problem. Most nurses steer clear of me.”

“Is it bad that I’m glad to hear that?”

He slipped his arms around her waist, the warmth of his skin against hers made her break out in goosebumps, and she leaned against him while he looked down at her.

“Even if I wasn’t a salty bastard, you’d never have to worry about another woman. I only have eyes for you.”

That made her toes curl, and she broke his gaze as she tried to disguise her smile.

With his right hand, he lifted her chin, so she had no choice but to look at him when he continued. “I think being monogamous with someone you love is the sexiest aphrodisiac there is.”