“Do you get an indicationwhywe break up?”

There were tears in her eyes when she finally glanced back up at him as she shook her head.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this helpless.

“So, what do we do?”

“I-I guess we enjoy it while it lasts?”

What kind of answer was that?

Chapter Forty-Eight


The same college-age girl from the time they’d visited in October greeted them from behind the counter with a big smile.

“Welcome back to the Dragonfly!”

“Thanks. It’s nice to see you, Taylor.”

“It’s nice to see you, too, Dakota.”

“Are we the last to arrive?”

“No, one of the first, actually. The only people here so far are James and Yvette, and Zach. Steven and Hope’s parents from California aren’t due in for another few hours. Their other two sisters don’t get in until tomorrow, but they’re staying at Steven’s house on the Cape after the wedding.”

“Wait,” Aiden said as he set their bags down. He folded the one carrying his suit over the two carryon-size suitcases while Dakota held the garment bag containing her dress for the wedding tomorrow night. “Did you say Jamesand Yvette?”

The younger girl smiled. “Yeah. Yvette is actually one of the owners and lives on the property full-time, although I’m not sure for how much longer.”

“Is she going back to California?” Dakota asked.

“Oh, no. James is trying to convince her to go to Boston. He doesn’t like her here without him. He’s worried she’s going to get snowed in and go into labor. He even bought an SUV with four-wheel drive—just in case.”

Aiden looked at Dakota incredulously. “This is all news to me. The last time I talked to him, which wasn’t that long ago, he was still single and not going to be a dad.”

“We obviously have some catching up to do,” Dakota said with a laugh.

A knowing look appeared on Taylor’s face as she clicked buttons on her computer.

“I think they’re in the salon right now if you want the scoop.”

“Maybe we’ll swing by there once we get settled,” Aiden told her.

“Steven and Whitney are hosting happy hour at five, and dinner will be served at six.” Taylor slid key cards in the trifold that highlighted all the bed and breakfast had to offer, then handed it to Aiden. “Your room is all ready for you. Number Eleven. Just take the hall after the stairs, and it’s almost at the end on the right. The WiFi password is ‘Wedding,’ and I’ve included two key cards.”

Aiden took the offered brochure and reached down to drape the bag holding his suit over his arm.

“Would you like help with your bags?” Taylor asked.

“Nah, I got it,” he replied before extending the telescopic handles on the two bags and walking toward the stairs.

“I already tried,” Dakota said with a smirk and a shake of her head. “He’s stubborn but sweet.”

“You’re lucky.”

She watched him for a beat before conceding, “Yeah, he’s great.”