“I’d still take that over what we’re doing.”

“Well, next year you guys are with me, so it’s a plan.”

“What if Dakota doesn’t want to do that next year?” Brianna chimed in.

Kailey turned to him. “Do you think you’ll still be seeing her next year?”

“I’d like to think so…”

Although, if he were a gambling man, he wouldn’t bet on it. She’d only lowered her walls enough to date him—and that was simply because the Universe had practically beat her over the head with it. She was always careful not to talk about the future, even when he tried during pillow talk.

He’d finally found a woman he wanted to settle down with, and she wanted no such thing.

How’s that for the Cosmos having a sense of humor?

“I hope you are,” Bri said before taking a bite of cereal. “I like her.”

“Me, too,” Kailey agreed.

Aiden quietly added, “Me three.”

Except he knew it was more than like, and that worried him.



Traffic was light during the drive to Golden Dragon to pick up their order. She’d waited to put it in because even though Aiden said he should be done by two, she knew just by dating him for the last month that wasn’t a guarantee. He’d promised to let her know if he was going to be late.

When she hadn’t heard from him by one thirty, she ordered their food and was taken aback when they told her it would take forty minutes.

A lot more people than she realized must be skipping the traditional dinner this year.

Maybe they were all single like she was.

Wait—am I still considered single?

Kind of?

She’d check the single box if she were filling out a form, but she was exclusive with Aiden.

Did that make him her boyfriend?

Good grief, she didn’t have the mental energy for this.

She’d sent him a text and told him the code to open the garage because she knew he’d beat her to her place. At least if he really left the hospital on time.

He’d responded he was picking up a bottle of wine and then he’d be over.

A few minutes later, he sent her another text.

Aiden: What kind of wine goes with Chinese food?

Dakota: I think any white should be fine.

Aiden: Any requests?

Dakota: Sauvignon Blanc.