Aiden hadn’t pegged Miles to be one to gossip, which is part of the reason he liked the man.

“Denise is friends with one of the nurses on the sixth floor. I guess she’s been dating the guy since that night.”

That made him chuckle. “I told Dakota they’d hit it off.”

Aiden normally hated being the topic of gossip, but at least there was a funny-meet-cute attached to it.

“Are you and your girlfriend doing anything for Thanksgiving?”

My girlfriend.


That was the first time their relationship had been categorized like that out loud. It was kind of weird hearing it phrased that way.

“I’m not sure. We haven’t talked about it yet.”

“Do your girls like her?”


Steven raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound very convincing.”

“They just haven’t spent a lot of time together yet.”

Aiden had tried after Miles and Bridget’s party, since it seemed to have gone well when he brought the girls to her house. But Dakota always had an excuse about why she wasn’t available when he had the girls. And he’d yet to spend any more time with Chloe and Asher, let alone even meet Todd.

“Well, the holidays will be a good chance to remedy that,” James said.

Aiden thought so, too, but was worried Dakota wasn’t going to come around by then. That, however, was not information he felt like sharing with them. He needed to change the subject.

“You and Zach still double dating strippers?”

James glanced down, like he was embarrassed, then mumbled, “Zach’s getting serious with Steve’s neighbor on the Cape.”

“What about you? After the Fourth, I half-expected you’d give your notice and move to California to be with Yvette.”

James’s face fell, and it was obvious Aiden had struck a nerve.


He glanced at Steven, hoping his look conveyed his plea for help in getting out of whatever he’d just stepped in.

Steve quickly interjected, “Hey, did you get my wedding invitation?”

Thank God for quick-thinking friends.

“I did, and I even sent back my RSVP.” He’d learned his lesson when he forgot to send a reply to Miles for his party. “AndI already made my reservation at the Dragonfly when I was there.”

“Awesome. You’re bringing Dakota, right?”

“Yep. She made a note in her RSVP that we were each other’s plus one so you don’t count us twice.”

“Whit’s in charge of all that, but I’m glad you two are together. As is the rest of the hospital staff. I don’t think you’ve made anyone cry in almost a month.”

Aiden rubbed his chin with his middle finger.

“What were you saying about fucking off?”