
“It’s how the two meet. Ed takes Hi’s photo at the jail every time he’s arrested, and he eventually proposes.”

Bri rolled her eyes as she finished coloring the bird’s beak. “Sounds like a grrreat movie.”

Aiden rolled his eyes back. “Sorry it’s notBarbie.”

“Hey! You said it was cute!”

“It was,” he conceded begrudgingly. “My daughters have reduced me to watchingGilmore GirlsandBarbiemovies. When I stayed at the Dragonfly Inn a few weeks ago, I wanted to ask where Lorelai and Sookie where. And the fact that I know those names is disturbing.”

She kissed his cheek. “And we love you for it.”

“Yeah, you better,” he grumbled, trying to disguise that he was a big pile of mush when it came to his girls.

“I want to see you together,” Kailey said as she walked in the kitchen, looking at her phone. She flashed the screen, revealing Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter together as the movie characters.

“I’m picking her up after I drop you guys off.”

“Aw, can’t you pick her up first,thendrop us off?”

He thought about it for a second, then shrugged. “Yeah, we can do that.”



She adjusted the police cap on her head and sighed as she looked at her reflection. The only policewoman’s costume available was, of course, the sexy kind. Not that she looked bad—frankly, she looked amazing. But it was just so cliché.

Asher’s voice called out, “Nana!”

“Be right there!”

She wasn’t dreading the party, but other than Aiden, she probably wasn’t going to know anybody. Aiden told her Steven was working, so Whitney wasn’t going to be there, and Miles’s wife, Bridget, used to date Zach Rudolf. Miles swooped in the second they broke up, so Miles was not a favorite with most of the group who were at the Cape over the Fourth.

“Just an opportunity to meet new people,” she reminded herself, then headed downstairs.

Her grandson’s eyes got big when he saw her.

“It’s just my Halloween costume, buddy,” she told him with a laugh. “Like your Spiderman one.”

He turned toward his mother with an accusatory hand on his hip. “You said we weren’t trick-or-treating for two more days!”

Chloe gave him a patient smile. “Nana isn’t trick-or-treating, Ash. She’s going to a costume party with her boyfriend.”

This time his indignation was directed at Dakota.

“You have a boyfriend?!”

Dakota glared at Chloe, then softened her features when she kneeled down so she was eye-level with Asher.

“He’s my friend, and he’s a boy I like to spend time with.”

Chloe snorted. “And share cheeryohswith.” She emphasized the “ohs”.

Asher nodded knowingly. “The grown-up kind that she can’t get at ALDI’s.”
