“Why not? It’ll be easy to recreate. I think we could probably still find mine at the Halloween store, and we should be able to find what we need for yours at the thrift store.”

“And I can probably get Bri to draw the tattoo for me.”

She broke out into a big smile. “That would be the perfect touch.”

He started rattling off ideas of things they should look for, and she wrote them down.

“This is going to be great,” he said as he studied the list. “We’re going to win best costume for sure.”

“You didn’t tell me there was a contest…”

“That’s because I didn’t give a shit about it until just now when I realized we really could win.”

She stroked her fingertips along his jawline.

“I like this competitive side of you. It’s sexy.”

He dropped a chaste kiss on her lips as his hand snaked around her waist to squeeze her ass, and he uttered, “I like this side of you.”

She couldn’t help but smile at his antics. He always had a way of making her feel so desired.

“Come on, Doc. We need to get to bed—we have to get up early and go shopping.”

“Well, we can go to bed, Sunshine. But we aren’t going to be sleeping untilmuchlater.”

She stood on her tiptoes to peck his lips, then dropped back to her flat feet as she whispered, “I know.”

Chapter Forty-Three


“Who are you supposed to be again?” Brianna asked as she drew the woodpecker tattoo on his arm while he sat on a stool at the kitchen island.

“H.I. McDunnough, from the movie,Raising Arizona.”

“Never heard of it.”

“Well, probably not, sinceIwas around five when the movie came out.”

“So then how do you know about it?”

“It’s kind of a cult classic. You’ll watch it someday, trust me.”

She looked at his crazy hair, yellowed-white tank top, and Hawaiian shirt with raised eyebrows expressing teenage judgment. “I hope other people have seen the movie, too, or you’re just going to look ridiculous.”

“I’m not worried.”

“And Dakota is going as who?”

“Hi’s wife, Ed.”


“Short for Edwina.”

“Is she going to have crazy hair and a tattoo, too?”

“No, she’s going in a policewoman costume.”