He shot Miles a look. “How long have you known me? Do I seem like the type motivated by prizes?”

Miles rolled his eyes. “Whatever, dude. Just come as a doctor and naughty nurse then; you know that’s what half of the people from here are going to do.”

“I’m pretty sure Dakota wouldn’t go for that, unless I was the one in the naughty nurse costume.”

That made his friend laugh out loud. “I like her already. I’m looking forward to meeting her—tomorrow. Party starts at eight. I’ll see you there. I don’t care if you come as a ghost in a bedsheet with holes cut out of it, but you better be wearing a costume when you walk through my door. For some reason I’ll never understand, it’s important to Bridget that people come dressed up. My wife is almost seven months pregnant and hormonal as fuck—I swear to God, if you make her cry, I will end you.”

Then, in typical Miles’ fashion, he walked off without waiting for a reply.

Fucking cardiothoracic guys. They think they’re such hot shit.

Yet, there was no way Aiden was going to piss him off by not showing up. And he knew it’d be in costume, even if he was going to posture a little first.

Aiden pulled his phone from his desk drawer.

Aiden: Hi, baby—we’ve been invited to a Halloween party tomorrow night. Do you want to go?

Sunshine: That’s kind of short notice…

Aiden: That’s my fault. I forgot about the invitation, but I kinda feel like I should go.

Sunshine: Is it a costume party?

Aiden: Yeah, but we don’t have to dress up.

Sunshine: It’s a costume party, Aiden. Yes, we do. I’m not going to bethat guy.

Aiden: I have no problem being that guy, but for you, I’ll dress up. If that’s what you want to do.

There, he was doing it for Dakota, not because he’d been ordered to by Miles.

Aiden: I know it’s short notice—do you have any ideas about what to wear?

Sunshine: Do you want to do a couple’s costume?

He wasn’t sure what exactly a couple’s costume was, but he could use his context clues and figure it out.

Aiden: Sure, why not? Unless you think it will be harder to find something this late. If that’s the case, we can just wear whatever is available.

Sunshine: Let me do a little research and see what ideas are out there. Are you still coming over tonight?

Aiden: Wouldn’t miss it.

He’d been spending all his free time at her house but had yet to run into her daughter, son-in-law, or grandson again. On the nights Bri and Kailey stayed with him, she mysteriously always had a meeting or yoga class and couldn’t make it over.

It’d only been a couple of weeks since they’d started officially dating, so he didn’t press the issue. But the holidays were coming up, and things were going to have to change.

They just needed to get through this party first.



She did an internet search for couples’ Halloween costumes and found the perfect one.

Aiden laughed out loud when she showed him.

“You want to do that?”