“He’s already home. Chloe dropped him off about an hour ago.”

Sure enough, when she unlocked the door, she heard the jingle of Barney’s tags before she even switched on the light.

“You need automatic lights, Sunshine.”

“Probably, but that would mean finding a handyman, hiring said handyman, then being home when he is available. It’s much easier just to hit the switch when I walk through the door.”

“What happens when your hands are full? I can do it for you. It will literally take me five minutes—minus the trip to the hardware store.”

“You’d do that for me?”

His affection was obvious when he looked down at her and cupped her cheek. “There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you, baby.”

When he said stuff like that, it made it hard to keep her guard up. But the vision of him leaving her hadn’t changed, so she knew it was only a matter of time.

But she was determined to enjoy the ride while it lasted.

Chapter Forty-Two


“Knock knock.”

He looked up from where he was dictating reports at his desk to find Miles standing in his doorway.


Aiden hadn’t had a chance to properly apologize to Miles for bailing on his wife’s friend.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“I’m not interrupting, am I?”

“No, no. Come on in.” Aiden gestured to the chair opposite his on the other side of the desk. “Have a seat.”

“Thanks,” Miles said as he walked in and sat down. Never one to beat around the bush, he got right down to the reason he was there. “So, Bridget has tasked me to talk to all the rude fucks from the hospital who haven’t RSVP’d for our Halloween party.”

Aiden closed his eyes tight for a second.

“Aw shit. I forgot to send my regrets; I’m sorry, man. Susan was always the one who handled things like that, it’s going to take some getting used to. In the meantime, I guess I should probably embrace my rude asshole persona.”

“From what I hear, you might have someone to help you out with that again, soon.”

“Yeah… about that. I’ve been meaning to stop in and apologize for bailing on Denise like I did.”

Miles waved his hand in front of him “I don’t give a shit. My wife, on the other hand…”

“Please extend my apologies to her.”

Miles shook his head. “No can do, my friend. You’re going to have to tell her yourself. She told me not to take no for an answer from you to the party invitation. And she’s insisting you bring the woman you blew Denise off for.”

“I didn’t blow her off. She decided the date was over, and then went and joined Dakota’s date. I guess it was her way of telling me ‘fuck you,’ without actually saying the words. Which I probably deserved. But in the interest of full disclosure, I still wouldn’t do anything differently.”

“Again, I don’t care. What I do care about is making my wife happy, so I’ll put you down for two.” Miles stood and moved toward the door, calling out over his shoulder, “And you’re not on the schedule, I already checked, so don’t even try using that as an excuse.”

“Fine, but I’m not wearing a costume.”

He turned in the doorway to face Aiden. “Yeah, you are. It’s a costume party. Besides, there’s a prize for the best one.”