“You never know…” he echoed.

He knew she wasn’t going to change her mind, and he decided he needed to be okay with that.

For now.



They had another perfect weekend together. The difference this time was there was no sense of impending doom as it drew to a close.

“I’m on call this week,” he told her as they drove back to Boston. “So, it’s going to be hard to see you as much as I’d like.”

“My evenings are open this week, other than a few yoga classes, so if you have a slower night, maybe I could come by the hospital, and we can have dinner together.”

He squeezed her hand he was holding and glanced over at her with a grin. “You mustreallylike me if you’re willing to have hospital cafeteria food just to have dinner with me.”

“I do really like you, and I could bring takeout if you’d rather.”

“Yesss, she likes me! I knew it!” he told a phantom audience. Then said, “Yeah, let’s plan on that. Although I’m not sure if it’ll even work out that I’ll be available, but I’ll keep you posted.”

They drove in silence for a few moments before she asked, “What was your favorite part of our trip?”

He took his eyes off the road to briefly look over at her.

“Other than the obvious?”

Dakota didn’t have to ask what he meant by that. She was deliciously sore from how much sex they’d had in the last forty-eight hours.

“Yes, other than that.”

“I liked waking up with you in my arms. Followed by a close second of how we were able to take our time over breakfast and just talk.”

“That was nice.”

“What about you? What was your favorite part?”

“Well, the colors were amazing.”

“We came at the perfect time,” he agreed.

“And my close second would be getting to explore all the little shops today. And the fact that you seemed to enjoy it, too, so I didn’t feel like I had to hurry.”

“Yeah, next time we should plan a long weekend, so we can hit a few wineries, too.”

She liked that they could plan something like that. It was nice not having a built-in expiration date on their time together.

They pulled into her driveway, and he shut the car off, then got out. She opened her door while he went to the trunk and took out her suitcase.

“You’re not staying tonight?” she asked when she noticed he hadn’t gotten his duffel bag out.

The corner of his mouth hitched. “I’d love to; I just didn’t want to be presumptuous that you weren’t sick of me.”

“Impossible. You have an open invitation.”

He pulled his bag out, too, and closed the trunk.

“Should we go get Barney?”