Dakota bit her bottom lip and wrapped her arms around his neck. He lifted his face to stare into her eyes, his mouth inches from hers as she whispered, “That sounds perfect.”

A sigh escaped her when he went in for another kiss, holding her close.

A girl could get used to this.

Aiden pulled away and rested his forehead against hers, his azure-colored eyes twinkling.

“I just remembered… we brought home dessert.”

“Orgasms and dessert—you are speaking my love language, Dr. Matthews.”

Chapter Forty-One


Hope Ericson: Of course, we have a room for you.

Aiden: I really appreciate that.

Hope Ericson: Taylor, our manager knows you’re coming. Show up tomorrow whenever you want. My brother wants to know who you’re taking with you.

Aiden: Dakota.

Hope Ericson: SQUEAL! Congratulations. She’s good for you.

Yeah, she is.

He looked over at her sitting cross-legged on her yoga mat on the living room floor. Her feet were above her knees—she’d referred to it as the lotus position. Her eyes were closed, and her palms were up, with her middle fingers and thumb touching. Her expression was peaceful, and she was so fucking beautiful he had to fight to keep from tackling her and planting kisses all over her body and ruining her calm state.

When they’d finished breakfast, she’d tried to get him to meditate after she’d talked him into doing yoga, but he’d declined. His dick had moved every time she’d bent over while she demonstrated a pose, so he knew the only thing he’d be able to think about was fucking her if he attempted to “quiet his mind,” as she put it.

Not that he wasn’t thinking about fucking her now, but at least he was multi-tasking as he did.

His phone buzzed with another incoming text.

Steven: Thank fuck you got back together with Dakota. I was starting to worry about you.

Aiden didn’t even mind that he was the topic of gossip between Steven and his sister and probably whoever else was in the room with them.

Aiden: Well, like Hope said… she’s good for me.

Steven: I think you’re good for her, too. Don’t sell yourself short, bro.

That was nice of his friend to say. And Aiden hoped it was true, otherwise he was a shitty partner who didn’t deserve her sunshine and rainbows.

He wanted to be worthy of her.

Aiden: I’m sorry I missed your party. I just didn’t want to run into her. Apparently, she had the same idea, and we ended up at the same restaurant—each of us with a date.

Steven: STFU! I can’t wait to get the details about how you ended up together.

Aiden: We sort of swapped dates. LOL

Steven: This story keeps getting better and better.

Aiden wondered if Hank ended up taking Denise home. He hoped so. Maybe then Aiden wouldn’t be on Miles’s wife’s shitlist.

Steven: Have a great time at The Dragonfly!