Closing her eyes, she took a deep, cleansing breath through her nose and exhaled it in a rush out of her mouth. She did that a few more times until she heard the door open.

Okay, you got this, girl.

She stood and flushed the toilet, so the person didn’t think she didn’t flush, and opened the stall door to find Aiden standing on the other side.

“Aiden!” she gasped. “You can’t be in here!”

He responded by crowding her back into the stall, grabbing her face with both hands, and after searching her eyes for a beat, lowered his mouth to hers.

She immediately surrendered to his touch. What was the point of fighting it anymore?

As their tongues tangled and his familiar scent and taste filled her senses, a sense of peace washed over her that she hadn’t felt since the weekend of the ARF gala. Her body relaxed, and she sighed against his lips.

He broke the kiss but didn’t let go of her face as he stared into her eyes.

“If you needed a sign the Universe wants us together, Sunshine, it delivered it tonight in spades. Why else would we both be here on the same exact day at the very same time? What are the odds? Or at the Halloween store? We keep being brought together for a reason.”

She couldn’t even argue.

“I know.”

He jerked his head back, like he wasn’t expecting her to agree with him. “You know?”

“I know you’re right. I came here tonight to avoid seeing you at Steven and Whitney’s party, and yet, here you are. I’m done fighting the forces at work.”

She still wasn’t convinced her heart was going to come out of this in one piece, but she knew better than to keep thumbing her nose at the Universe. It’d reveal its plan on its own schedule. She needed to trust the process.

It didn’t mean she wouldn’t guard her heart as best she could, though.

He leaned in and chuckled against her lips. “That was why I came here tonight, too.”

His kiss this time was less urgent; like he had also relaxed.

Reluctantly, she pulled away.

“I do need to get back to my date, though.”

He dropped his forehead against hers. “Yeah, me too.” He let out a sigh. “Ditching them would be a shitty thing to do, right?”

“We don’t need that karma.”

“Good point.” He opened the stall door and glanced around before stepping out and she followed. He paused before opening the door leading to the restaurant. “Leave your front door unlocked, Sunshine. I’ll be by later to make up for lost time. I think we’re at least a hundred orgasms behind, so we have some catching up to do.”

With a wink, he opened the door and was gone.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled at the well-kissed woman staring back at her.

Pulling her lipstick from her clutch, she quickly reapplied it, then washed her hands and headed back to her table. This time with a spring in her step as she finally had something to look forward to.

“Everything all right?” Hank asked as she sat down.

“Yes. I’m sorry. There was a line.” It was a plausible explanation.

“They need to make two women’s bathrooms for every men’s.”

“I know, right?”

He picked up his drink and held it aloft, like he was about to make a toast, so she reached for her wine glass that had been delivered in her absence.