“She has a grandson, so I don’t think the girls are a big deal, and her massage business has three locations—she’s probably just as busy as I am.”

“Again, so what’s the problem? I’ve seen your dick in the locker room, so that’s not it.” Steven fought back a smirk. “Are you a lousy lay? Selfish lover?”

“Fuck you.”

“Hey! I’m just brainstorming here; trying to help you out. I’m the one who gave you a ticket to the gala, remember? I’m vested in seeing this relationship work out.”

“Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not going to work out. She’s not interested, and I don’t beg.”

“That’s fair. But are you sure she’s not interested? I mean,too different? That’s…” He trailed off, as if at a loss for the proper descriptor.

“Bullshit? Yeah, it is. I mean, at first, I thought so, too. Then I realized we have a lot in common, and I kind of like our differences.”

“Did you tell her that?”

“I mean, yeah, I guess.”

“You guess?”

“I said we were good together, and she said she can’t date me. So, like I told you, I’m not going to beg her to be with me.”

“Well,” Steven stood up from behind his desk, so Aiden did, too. His friend clasped his shoulder as they walked toward the door. “Maybe give it one more shot? Go get a massage and tell her again how you feel. Kill two birds with one stone.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“And if that doesn’t work, find someone else to get laid with. But in the meantime, stop making my nurses fucking cry.”



She was debating between placing a to-go order and running home and grabbing a quick bite when the song coming through her SUV’s speakers was interrupted with the ringing of her phone.

The dashboard announced it was the Beacon Hill location of her business.

“This is Dakota.”

“Hi, um, Ms. Douglas? It’s uh, Marjorie from Beacon Hill.”

Marjorie was one of her newest hires. A college student who seemed to be afraid of her own shadow. Dakota sensed she’d had some trauma in her past, so she tried to be extra gentle with her.

“Hey, Marjorie. What’s up?”

“Um, are you on your way?”

“I planned on coming by this afternoon, why?”

“Well, your one o’clock is here.”

She had an appointment today?

She glanced at the time on her dashboard. Five minutes until one.

“Fuuuuck,” she murmured under her breath. Not again. This was the second time she’d forgotten an appointment this month, and she’d never missed an appointment. Ever.

Scatterbrained didn’t even begin to describe her these days.

Damn you, Aiden Matthews.