“I have to get back—”

Steven interrupted him, his tone clipped. “Your patient’s stable.” When Aiden didn’t move, Steven snarled, “Don’t fucking make me pull rank on you.”

With a sigh, Aiden closed the chart and put the tablet back, then followed his friend to his office. The words “ER Director” on the placard outside reminded Aiden of Steven’s position.

Aiden sat down in the chair across the desk from Steve but didn’t say anything.

“What’s going on with you, man? You haven’t been this surly since you left Susan.”

“Nothing’s going on. I’m just tired.”

Tired of everyone’s bullshit.

He kept that part to himself.

“Did something happen? I heard Susan’s engaged, but I thought you were over her.”

“I am over her. Hell, I’m fucking happy for her.”

“So, what the fuck is your problem? You’ve had nurses in tears at least two times a week for the last three weeks.”

“I apologized,” he grumbled. He’d felt like an asshole each time, and he had been trying to be gentler. “But come on, today was ridiculous. I hardly said anything, and she bolted.”

“That’s because she has PTSD from the last time you made her cry.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Maybe she needs to be transferred to the maternity ward or something. I can’t be the only doc who’s short with staff in the ER. It’s in the name, Steve.Emergency. I don’t have time to hold everyone’s goddamn hands or worry about their feelings.”

“Just… try to be nicer, okay? We’re short staffed as it is.”

Aiden let out a long breath. “Yeah, okay. I’ll try.”

“Okay, now that that’s done, I’m putting on my friend hat right now. What’s going on? You’re wound so tight, I’m worriedyou’regoing to have a heart attack—and who the hell’s going to treat you if you do?”

“I already told you—Miles Cunningham is the only one allowed to cut me open.”

“Well, that’s what I’d like to avoid. Maybe you should get a massage or something. When’s the last time you got laid?”

He felt his jaw clench, and he had to will himself to release it.

“Three weeks ago.”

Steven’s mouth parted, and he drew out a nod as he said, “Ohhh,” like he’d had an ah-ha moment. “Three weeks ago was the animal fundraiser. The one that Dakota was at.That’swhat this is all about.”

Aiden refused to confirm or deny his friend’s allegations, so Steven prodded.

“What happened? You two seemed so good together at the Cape.”

“We were great together. We’re just too different—her words, not mine.”

“Really? I mean, I know she’s a little more on the woo-woo side than you, but she seems like a cool chick.”

“She is a cool chick.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“The problem is she isn’t interested in dating me.”

“Why? I know how much you make, so money’s not the problem. Is it because you have kids? Work all the time?”