Aiden shrugged. “That’s what my mom says is the secret ingredient, and she’s never wrong, so if you disagree—you’ll have to take it up with her.”

He liked the idea of introducing her to his mom.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

She’d made it clear she wasn’t interested in anything more than a casual fling, and that certainly didn’t include meeting the parents. He needed to get it together.

Aortas vs. auras, remember?

The griddle was hot, so his pancakes cooked quickly, and he joined her at the table.

“What do you want to do today?”

“I should probably get home.”

“Why? Casual starts Monday, remember? We still have all day.”

She shook her head with a sad smile. “I really need to go home and get some things done before my work week starts.”

He felt like pouting and stomping his foot. He had one more day with her, dammit.

“Can’t it wait? I saw your house—it’s immaculate. Hell, I’ll send my housekeeper over if you really have things you need to get done.”

That made her giggle. “I don’t think your housekeeper is going to pay my bills and do my bookkeeping.”

“Okay, no, probably not. But still… the Universe wanted us to be together this weekend. Sundays are part of the weekend.”

“No,youdecided it was for the weekend.”

“Sorry, Sunshine—there was a sign. It was the weekend.”

“I just think it’s better if I go home.”

He was on the verge of begging, but he gave himself an internal smack across the head.

Have some dignity, man!

“Yeah, okay. If that’s what you want. Let me just finish eating.”

Although he no longer had any appetite.

She squeezed the hand he had resting on the table.

“There’s no rush.” Her voice was quiet, like she was trying to soften the blow.

While part of him wanted to drag things out, part of him just wanted to take her home and get it over with. She obviously didn’t want to be there anymore.

He finished quickly and took his plate to the sink to rinse it.

She came up behind him. “I can help you clean up.”

“That’s okay, I’ll take care of it.”

“No,” she said as she rinsed her plate and put it in the dishwasher. “I insist. It’s the least I can do after you went to all the trouble of making me breakfast.”

“There’s not that much to do…”

“Then it won’t take long.”