Page 41 of One Chance

Are we really doing this over text? I can literally see you.

Lee shook his head and smiled down at his phone. Three bubbles popped up, then a text.


Just break up with him already.

You’re mine for six dates and I don’t share.

Tingles spread low in my belly. Lee didn’t realize that his words, no matter how playful, affected me.

Charles and I aren’t dating. He’s got his own dates with Mia Bradley.


Just a heads-up ... I picked up a few extra shifts at the station this week so that I can have the time off for our dates. I made some trades at work, so I won’t be ignoring you, just not really around.

My heart beat wildly.


Date number one is Saturday.

I hope you’re ready.

There was no way I could ever be ready for a date with Lee Sullivan.



Annie wasn’t too faroff base assuming I’d throw a tantrum. When I saw her walk into the Grudge, looking sexy as hell and smiling at Charles, I wanted to ram my fist into his chiseled jawline.

I’d always felt protective of Annie, but never quite sopossessive.

Relief washed over me when our texts contained the familiar banter we’d always shared. I may have caught Annie off guard with that kiss, but I wasn’t completely in the doghouse. A few shift trades at work and I’d have plenty of time to figure out why the hell I’d snapped and why Annie was consuming so many of my thoughts.

In the break room, I walked up to Whip and tossed him a can of Coke. He looked down at it and set it aside.

“Relax. I didn’t fuck with it.”I only shook it up a little.

“What do you want, Lee?”

I cracked open my own can and took a sip. “I noticed you pussied out on going to the gala.”

He made a face but ignored my dig.

“Well, I’m in. Can I count on you to trade some days?”

Never one to turn down a shift or the possibility of overtime, Whip considered for a moment. Probably because trading days would be a favor to me.

He looked me up and down again. “Fine. But leave me out of your pranking bullshit. I just got my truck and don’t need you fucking with the paint job.”

A slow grin spread. After the auctionsomeonehad spread peanut butter under all the door handles of Royal’s truck.

Stupid and childish? Yes.

Effective at being completely asinine and endlessly infuriating? Also yes.